- The GIFT (the GNU Image-Finding Tool) is a Content Based Image Retrieval System (CBIRS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBIR). It enables you to do Query By Example (QBE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QBE) on images, giving you the opportunity to improve
- A general technique for the recovery of signicant image features is presented. The technique is based on the mean shift algorithm, a simple nonparametric pro- cedure for estimating density gradients. Drawbacks of the current methods (includi
- 二叉树的生成、查询、删除、插入等基本操作,及图像的动态显示-Tree generation, query, delete, insert the basic operation, and the image of dynamic display
- 利用matlab编写的m文件,根据高斯描绘子对图像库中的图像进行图像检索。-M prepared to use matlab file, in accordance with sub-Gaussian portray the image library image image retrieval.
- 1、以DLL形式提供医生工作站 2、 根据【检查项目】,查询RIS系统中各工作站影像资料 3、 在选定【检查项目】后,根据【申请日期】、【检查状态】、【患者编号】和【患者姓名】等条件查询具体患者影像信息,患者影像信息包括患者基本信息(姓名、性别、住院号、检查部位等)、患者检查胶片和患者检查报告(包含历史报告)。 4、 对“患者检查胶片”进行编辑(调窗、放大、缩小、胶片翻转旋转、放大镜、滤镜、锐化、降燥、反色、测量等)-DLL form medical station, acco
- ***功能描述*** 对DataTable/View各列做各种智能匹配、比较操作、模糊匹配查询过滤、在结果中查询过滤。 相当但丰富于DataTable/View数据王国的“BaiDu” ***适用范围*** 各个网站网页或软件的网格数据过滤,通用于Oracel、SQLServer、ADO.NET的查询过滤。-Functional Descr iption****** on the DataTable/View all out to do a variety of intel
- 这是基于ASP.NET的图片管理系统,根据需要,可以实现图片上传,加水印,图片管理,图片下载,图片查询等功能。-This is based on the image management system for ASP.NET, if necessary, can upload pictures, add watermarks, image management, image download, image query functions.
- 在一个API用以谷歌图片搜索中,宜兰Assayag表明如何以编程方式查询谷歌图像服务。他还提到,在Yahoo ! SDK中使图片搜索以及。在这篇文章中,我将描述如何使用。 NET中访问雅虎图像服务。(C#开发环境)-In An API for Google Image Search, Ilan Assayag demonstrated how to programmatically query the Google image service. He also mentioned that th
- A method to detect new objects in a scene by comparing an input query image and a movie database captured beforehand is proposed. Our method is based on both feature point matching and edge matching. First, we select the most matched movie from t
- 包含8篇半监督学习方面的中文文献,关于半监督学习的中文文献并不是很多,我把我找到的一些文章贡献一下。分别为:“半监督学习综述”“有关半监督学习的问题及研究”“基于半监督学习的网络流量分析”“基于核策略的半监督学习方法”“一种基于半监督学习的多模态WEB查询精华方法”“半监督学习机制下的说话人辨认算法”“半监督学习在入侵系统中的应用”“基于半监督学习的眉毛图像分割方法”-Includes eight semi-supervised learning of Chinese literature on
- Client/Server programs to support image retrieval: Client side program submits retrieval query (query parameters and positive/negative samples) to the network server. The server side program takes the query and creates the MATLAB engine insta
- 文本查询程序,生成文本位置map,单词转换map。-Text query process, generate the text location map, the word conversion map.
- 在本演示中,一个简单的图像检索方法,提出基于图像的颜色分布。用户只需提供一个“例子”的形象和搜索是基于这个例子(例如基于查询的图像)。包括图像和教学指令-In this demo, a simple image retrieval method is presented, based on the color distribution of the images. The user simply provides an "example" image and the search is base
- query开发图片幻灯插件设计代码query image slideshow plug-in design code development -query image slideshow plug-in design code development
- 介绍了一个基于特征的图象查询和检索系统.该系统由查询模块、特征提取和描述模块、匹配模块、图象显示模块和图象库管理模块组成.系统既支持基于颜色、纹理、形状的单一特征查询,也支持结合不同特征的更符合视觉要求的综合特征查询.该系统已结合实际图象库进行了查询和检索实验,文中给出一些实际检索结果. -Describes a feature-based image query and retrieval system. The system consists of query module, featu
- 使用RGB直方图进行匹配,找出数据库中与要查询的图片灰度级直方图最接近的N张图片-RGB histogram matching to identify the closest to the database and query image gray level histogram pictures
- 自动前背景分割,基于超像素、形状和外观前验概率及图切割-A novel foreground/background segmentation algorithm that attempts to segment the interesting objects from the rest of the image.The model includes a geometric prior and an appearance prior, whose parameters are lear
- 窗口图像滚动是各种数据查询系统、多媒体图形数据库系统开发中的基本功能之一,本文用Windows API函数实现了窗口图像缩放、滚动,该方法可适用于Visual C++等语言。-Scroll the window image is a variety of data query system, one of the basic functions in the development of multimedia graphics database system using the Windows
- Face Recognition System based on LabVIEW The general process is as follows. Firstly, the original data is captured by a web camera and then transferred from RGB color space to YUV color space, where it is easier to tell the skin area from non-skin
Image retrieval
- 基于内容的图像查询,采用卷积神经网络,CNN代码使用了matconvnet工具包,包括代码和实验报告。(Content based image query, using convolutional neural networks, CNN code, using the matconvnet toolkit, including code and experimental reports.)