- 深入浅出介绍计算机视觉的最新动态。内容包括: * Camera calibration using 3D objects, 2D planes, 1D lines, and self-calibration * Extracting camera motion and scene structure from image sequences * Robust regression for model fitting using M-estimators, RANSAC, and
- 随机抽样一致性算法RANSAC源程序,C++实现。作者:Ziv Yaniv。推荐理由1:没有使用任何其他的函数库,省去您更多负担。如解线性方程、随机数产生器。理由2:唯一觉得可惜的是他的算法中过多的使用了C++的特性,如vector,虚函数,设计模式。如果您刚好是C++高手,正是您阅读的好程序。理由3:作者的注解详细,每2行就有1行注释,容易看懂。-RANSAC random sample consensus algorithm source code, C++ implementation.
- 求单应矩阵的算法。应用LM算法。输入2幅图片上的4对对应点,应用该算法可以找到单应矩阵。-http://www.ics.forth.gr/~lourakis/homest/ C/C++ Library for Robust, Non-linear Homography Estimation
- 该源码是关于运动对象跟踪的算法,主要实现了高斯背景建模,全局运动补偿(SIFT特征和RANSAC算法),运动对象检测,对象跟踪算法(Mean Shift,Particle Filter等),对象特征提取(轨迹,大小,起止帧等),同时,程序基于VC2008+OpenCV开发,实现了对话框式的程序界面,效率高。-This is a source about motion object tracking, including foreground modeling,object detection,o
- This a collection of code I ve put together to detect SIFT features in images and to use SIFT (or other) features to compute image transforms with RANSAC. It includes a SIFT function library as well as some executables to detect, match, and
- 本系统中VIS欠缺的SIFT_VC.lib文件。。。 http://www.pudn.com/downloads224/sourcecode/math/detail1055031.html-This is lib file, which is used in Video Intelligent System (VIS) based on the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 compiler environment and OpenCV 2.0 library
- pointcloud库作ransac,模型为体或平面-use point cloud library to implement ransac
- Ransac program for plane detection, the algorithm is implemented in C++ and works on Point cloud, the input is a PCD file which is generating by PCL-Library (sohaib-l@hotmail.fr
- 人脸识别工具,基于QT平台,利用alglib库神经网络技术,实现人脸识别功能-Face recognition tool, based on QT platform, using alglib library neural network technology, face recognition function
- SIFT算法的C实现把检测SIFT特征图像和使用SIFT(或其他)的特点来计算图像的变换与RANSAC-This is a collection of code I ve put together to detect SIFT features in images and to use SIFT (or other) features to compute image transforms with RANSAC. It includes a SIFT function library as w
- 目前MATLAB里边对于多点计算仿射矩阵普遍采用RANSAC法,但是比较麻烦计算量也相对较大,通过最小二乘法来进行仿射矩阵的估计能够大大提高该效率,所以奉上自己在实验室写的仿射矩阵估计函数,来弥补matlab函数库在这方面的不足。(The MATLAB inside for calculating affine matrix commonly used RANSAC method, but more trouble calculation is relatively large, estimat