- 合成孔径雷达图像(SAR)基本程序,打开‘.raw’原始16位幅度或者强度数据,另外需要一个文本文件写入高度宽度信息,文本文件后缀 .txt 需要改为 .dim 。
梅花三弄版dezend V1.0
- php开源屠龙刀 梅花三弄dezend v1.1 [color=#FF0000]主要增加对用zendguard 4.01进行加密的dezend支持[/color]该类文件开头格式: <?php @Zend; 4147; 现改为:首行包含Zend的文件为需dezend文件 ***************************************** 梅花三弄dezend v1.0 一、特点: 1.基于"黑刀4.3"作为内核,
- 16位的raw格式转成bmp格式,用于工业线阵相机的采集,采用raw格式,可以更好的避免室外曝光不足或过度的问题-16-bit raw format converted to bmp format, line scan cameras for industrial collection, use raw format, you can better avoid outdoor exposure problem of inadequate or excessive
- 读取和写入raw格式图像,此格式图像文件存储一幅图中的全部像素点,并以每个像素点16bit数据保存-read and write a raw format 16-bit image
- 讀取16位元(65536階)raw影像檔,調整其灰階動態範圍至256階,調整方式至少包含平均法、對數法、開平方法,word檔包含了成程式碼與操作說明與結果。-Read 16-bit (65536-order) raw image file, adjust its dynamic range to 256 gray-scale bands, contains at least adjust the way the averaging method, logarithmic law, Kaiping
- Fisher fractal encoder This package contains the following files: enc.c Dr. Fisher encoder C source patched to compile on PCs. dec.c Dr. Fisher decoder C source patched to compile on PCs. enc.exe 32 bit executable: enc.c compiled with M
- 将某一8位的raw格式图转换为16位的raw格式图 并可输出raw格式图的灰度值至相应文件(.txt文件) 生成的新图用PS打开时与原图基本一致.-It can converted an 8-bit raw format, to an 16-bit raw format and can output raw format diagram of the gray value to the corresponding map file (. Txt files) .The new plan to
- RAW文件分解小工具,可以将大块的原始图像数据(16位)分解为单独的图像文件(16位),支持高低字节互换、文件名自动更新,同时生成相应的8位BMP图像-A tool for RAW file division. It chunks the original image data (16-bit) decomposition as a separate image file (16-bit), supports the exchange of high and low bytes of the f
- 功能列表= mmwrite(文件名,选择... ...) mmwrite是能写的AVI,WMV,的WMA,ASF文件。对于AVI文件,您可以选择从现有的编解码器压缩的音频和视频流。 对于WMV,WMA和ASF的编码默认为16位的Windows Media 9率为44100Hz立体声为98%质量的音频和Windows媒体视频9 98 质量。质量可以指定音频和视频。 环绕声,似乎只与AVI和多通道编码不支持。编写任何其他文件类型不支持。本使用Win
- mfc 基于对话框的一个16位位图裸数据转换为24位位图的小程序-mfc dialog based on a 16-bit bitmap raw data into 24-bit map applet
- Interface for opening an x11 window in 8, 16, 24, or 32 bit format, and exposing the surface as a raw, writable pixmap. Also has a simplified event interface. This is not meant to wrap x11, just make it easier to get up and running. Allows access to
- 读取并显示16位raw图像,用c#开发的-An article on how to use GDI+ methods for displaying 16-bit raw images.
- 上位机 串口通讯1 6进制 显示原始数据对应的曲线图-PC serial communication 16 hexadecimal display raw data corresponding to the curve
- 针对红外图像的增强,包括打开raw的原图,线性拉伸,和将16位压缩至8位等过程-For infrared image enhancement, including open raw artwork, linear stretching and compression will be 16 to 8 and other processes
- Apply FIR filter to 44 kHz raw 16-bit PCM linear audio then downsample to 11 kHz.
- Apply FIR filter to 44 kHz raw 16-bit PCM linear audio then downsample to 11 kHz.
- Apply FIR filter to 44 kHz raw 16-bit PCM linear audio then downsample to 11 kHz.
- Apply FIR filter to 44 kHz raw 16-bit PCM linear audio then downsample to 11 kHz.
- Apply FIR filter to 44 kHz raw 16-bit PCM linear audio then downsample to 11 kHz.
- Apply FIR filter to 44 kHz raw 16-bit PCM linear audio then downsample to 11 kHz.