- 二值化图像,求最大连通区域,然后分割最大连通区域,用opencv开发-Binary image, and the largest regional connectivity, and then split the largest connected region, with the development of opencv
- 可以分割屏幕,使屏幕能够显示在该程序之外区域,类似工具栏的显示。-You can split the screen so the screen can be displayed on the program outside the region, similar to the toolbar display.
- 提出了一种基于肤色的精确人脸定位算法,详细叙述了在图片的颜色调整与肤色检测,肤色区域的平滑、 分割与填充,候选眼睛的选取及配对中遇到的具体问题并提出了解决方案. 本算法能较为准确地定位彩色图像 中的正面、小角度偏侧和旋转的人脸,还能检测出一幅图中的多个人脸.-Presents a human face based on skin color precision positioning algorithm, described in detail in the image color ad
- SPLITMERGE Segment an image using a split-and-merge algorithm. G = SPLITMERGE(F, MINDIM, @PREDICATE) segments image F by using a split-and-merge approach based on quadtree decomposition. MINDIM (a positive integer power of 2) specifies t
- 选取读入一份彩色图像,在运行Untitled.m程序时:先用鼠标交互的选取一个颜色区域作为你要与其他色彩分割的目标,,鼠标选取好后,按ENTER健后出现进行分割出现结果。 -Select a color image read in the run Untitled.m program: the first interaction with the mouse, select a color region as the color you want to split with other go
- 图像处理课,课程实验,实现了交互式选择种子,区域生长法进行图像分割,以及采用分裂合并法进行图像分割。-Image processing courses, course test, to achieve interactive select seeds for region growing image segmentation, and the use of split and merge image segmentation method.
- 选取读入一份彩色图像,在运行Untitled.m程序时先用鼠标交互的选取一个颜色区域作为你要与其他色彩分割的目标,进行分割,鼠标选取好后,按ENTER健后出现分割节后。-Select a color image read in the first run Untitled.m program interacts with the mouse as you select a color region segmentation of color with other objectives, segm
- This matlab code implements the region split and merge segmentation of an image
- 这是个基于VC++的图像处理系统,主要实现实现系统能对图像文件(bmp、 jpg、 tiff、 gif等)进行打开的功能 2.实现系统能对图像文件进行保存,另存的功能 3.实现系统能对图像文件进行打印的功能 4.实现系统退出操作的功能 5.图像分割:阈值分割、区域生长、分裂合并 、区域增长法、特征空间聚类法、用分水岭变换分割法等各种方法,实现复杂区域的分割 希望对大家有用-This is based on VC++ image processing system, t
- 通过选取种子点,对一幅二维图像进行区域生长,从而分割出自己感兴趣区。-By selecting the seed point, two-dimensional image of a region growing, which split their own areas of interest.
- 用MFC实现了集中基本的图像分割算法,如:区域增长,分裂合并,最大类间方差等-it realized some basical image segmentation algorythm,such as region growing,split and combine,oust and so on
- 利用itk的区区域增长算法,分割三维图像并用vtk进行重建显示-Use itk District region growing algorithm, split the three-dimensional image reconstruction display using vtk
- 基于Matlab平台实现目标信息提取。求未含噪声的原图像的周长需先对图像进行二值化,然后选择一种算法进行边缘检测,包含prewitt,canny,sobel等算法,再通过sum(sum())函数进行周长的计算并显示在相应的位置。为求包含特定目标的噪声污染图像的周长或面积,首先对图像进行去噪,再进行二值化,接着进行微小分割,实现边缘提取或者区域分割,进一步统计目标周长或者目标面积。-Based on Matlab platform to achieve the goal of informatio
- 融合边缘与区域的水平集分割算法,分割效果优于单独的模型 -Integration of edge and region level set segmentation algorithm, the split is better than a separate model
- 包含两个代码,m文件,基于区域的分裂合并图像分割方法,predicate规定了分裂合并准则,splitmerge用于分裂合并,数字图像处理,冈萨雷斯,Matlab版第十章第四节,区域分离与合并-Contains two code, m files, split and merge region-based image segmentation methods, predicate to the provisions of division merger guidelines, the split
- 智能运输系统中车牌识别技术得到了广泛应用 , 车牌分割是车牌识别的重要部分。基于彩色图像车牌分割与采用灰度图像车牌分割相比 , 可以有效消除阴影影响 , 同时车牌颜色也是车牌识别的一个参数。颜色分类类处理使用特征函数 , 可以减少颜色坐标转换运算 , 提高颜色分类速度。文中详细讨论中国车牌特征 , 给出车牌分割详细步骤。车牌区域判别采用信息融合技术。车牌倾斜矫正结合车牌倾斜特点 , 提出快速算法。 -License plate recognition technology has been
- egion growing approach is the opposite of the split and merge approach: An initial set of small areas are iteratively merged according to similarity constraints. Start by choosing an arbitrary seed pixel and compare it with neighbouring pi
- 如果图像中的目标物体是连在一起的,则分割起来会更困难,分水岭算法经常用于处理这类问题,通常会取得比较好的效果。分水岭分割算法把图像看成一副“地形图”,其中亮度比较强的地区像素值较大,而比较暗的地区像素比较小,通过寻找“汇水盆地”和“分水岭界限”,对图像进行分割。-If the object in the image together, then split up and it will be more difficult, the watershed algorithm often used t
- 一个简单的用于分割图像中车牌区域的算法,运行时只需要把要识别的图像命名为pic1,pic2……即可-The algorithm runtime just need to identify the image for a simple split image plate region named pic1, pic2 ...... can
- example of how to split color channel which is red, green and blue (RGB)