- FraiZZiBox 可让你轻松编辑各种简单到复杂的图片,只需从文件浏览器或图片浏览器中拖拽即可。FraiZZiBox 会生成图像处理\"盒子\",每个盒子面版会对拖到其中的图片进行处理(旋转、重定义尺寸、调整颜色、添加文本等)。 -FraiZZiBox will allow you to easily edit simple to complex images only from the File Browser or pictures browser drag can be. FraiZ
- vb做的立体桌子,可以旋转,可以按X轴旋转可以按Y轴旋转,可以按Z轴旋转,每个面有自己的颜色-vb do three-dimensional table, rotating, with the X-axis rotation according to Y-axis rotation, in accordance with a Z-axis rotation, Each face has its own color
- 人脸图像旋转矩阵应用,图像标准化,可用于人脸图像识别应用方面-Face Image rotation matrix applications, standardized images can be used for facial image recognition applications
- 旋转人脸定位代码 可以正确定位带有平面内转动的人脸-rotating face location code can correct positioning with the plane of rotation Face
- 计算机图形学三维图形系统的演示,包括各种三维面、实体的坐标变换,旋转、平移等功能。-Three-dimensional computer graphics presentation graphics system, including a variety of three-dimensional face, entities coordinate transformation, rotation, translation and other functions.
- 985工程高校西北工业大学程序设计大赛作品 拿出来与大家分享 喜之郎CC队 作品简介:在开始运行该程序时,会出现两个动画人物的脸,按任意键 后这两个脸会来回相撞5次,(在这5次期间会有相应的文字 和图形输出,比如:会有旋转时针控制时间的延迟...)。完 了后,会输出一行提示信息:按回车键,这两个脸会做三个 逆时针360度的旋转,按ESC键,会退出该程序,按任意键, 他们会再次相撞。-985 engineering colleges and universities Northwest
- face detection Face detection can be regarded as a more general case of face localization In face localization, the task is to find the locations and sizes of a known number of faces (usually one). In face detection, one does not have this addition
- More graphics/Game programming sources..GFXFX2. Collection of graphics based sources. Made by Bas van Gaalen. Major topics: 3d rotation, Polygons (triple and quad), Flat-Shading, Gouraud Shading, Texture Mapping, Hidden face removal, Mode-X, Mode-12h
- 编写“变脸”程序: 将1和2结合, 再加入一个事件处理程序mouseUp(),使程序运行后出现一张笑脸,鼠标点击一次则变成哭脸,再点击一次又变成笑脸,依次轮换。+开发一个加、减、乘、除四则运算器-The preparation of the program of the " face" : 1 and 2 together, then add an event handler for mouseUp (), the program runs a smiley face, a mo
- Head Rotation Estimation Algorithm for Hand-Free Computer Interaction by Rafał Kozik-In the article robust method of hands-free interaction with computer is proposed and tested. There are showed the results of algorithms based on optical flow and
- 在屏幕上任意绘制一个多边形,在计算机内将其表示为一个以此多边形为底面的正n边棱柱(指定高度),棱柱的各面具有不同的颜色。 用Z-Buffer算法做面消隐; 允许以棱柱中心为固定点,通过输入x, y, z方向的转动角度实现任意角度的旋转(或通过鼠标操作实现任意角度的旋转) ; 投影方式:正平行投影,并假设物体始终在裁剪空间内;-On the screen draw an arbitrary polygon, within the computer as a polygon of its
- This a software utility. It provides auto attendance management system using face detection technique. Now a day’s many utilities provide face detection system but not intelligent. Our project is more intelligent, cost less and very easy to configure
- 提出了一种基于肤色的精确人脸定位算法,详细叙述了在图片的颜色调整与肤色检测,肤色区域的平滑、 分割与填充,候选眼睛的选取及配对中遇到的具体问题并提出了解决方案. 本算法能较为准确地定位彩色图像 中的正面、小角度偏侧和旋转的人脸,还能检测出一幅图中的多个人脸.-Presents a human face based on skin color precision positioning algorithm, described in detail in the image color ad
- 通过文字界面交互,使用户打开一个文件,从文件中读出vertice,face的信息,对点进行平移,旋转,缩放等操作,并将结果保存。能读取文件中的伪命令自动进行上述的相关操作。-Interaction through the text interface, allowing users to open a file, read from a file vertice, face of information, points of translation, rotation, scaling and
- 人脸识别、表情识别图像预处理--图像库人脸图像剪切、旋转-Face recognition, face recognition image pre-processing- image library face image cropping, rotation
- 三维空间中,根据圆柱体上下两个面的中点确定圆面坐标-In three-dimensional space coordinates, a round face is determined based on the two upper and lower surface of the cylinder point
- 一种新的尺度旋转不变特征,可以用于人脸识别或者图像匹配等领域-A new kind of scale and rotation invariant features, can be used for face recognition or image matching field
- 通过定位人眼进行人脸切割,该算法进行了修正,同时还具备人脸校正功能,可进行测试照片的旋转和平移。-By positioning the human eye human face cut, the algorithm is modified, also has a face correction function can be tested in photo rotation and translation.
- 基于OpenGL的三维人脸建模,并且实现模型旋转以及不同网线组成-Line consisting of OpenGL-based 3D face modeling and implementation model rotation and different network
- CSS3脸部表情鼠标控制动画代码,鼠标控制眼球转动。(CSS3 facial expression mouse control animation code, mouse control eye rotation.)