- 【文本与二值图像的游程】1. 文本游程压缩的原理 对重复字段采用3符号标识法:(1) 重复提示符,比如@,#等;(2) 游程长度参数或重复次数,若用一个字节表示,最大长度可为255个重复字;(3) 重复字符。以上三部分合称为重复因子。可见要获得压缩效益,重复字符应在3个以上。2. 图像游程压缩的原理 对于二值图像,原始数据为零一矩阵,压缩时逐行处理该矩阵:(1) 连续n个1,表示为+n;(2) 连续n个0,表示为-n。-text and binary image -- an outbound t
- 传输矩阵法计算啁啾光栅反射谱 本节中给出传输矩阵法计算啁啾光栅反射谱和 时延的完整M at lab 程序实例, 本段代码在 M at lab513 和W indow s2000 环境中运行通过。运行结果如图8 所示。可以改变光栅长度、有效折射率、折射率调制深度、啁啾系数等参数来获得不同参数下光栅反射谱和时延曲线。如果打开“% 切趾”行的屏蔽符“% ”则可得到切趾后光栅反射谱和时延特性曲线, 此时计算所得的曲线将比图8 中所示的曲线平滑很多。-Transfer matrix metho
- 数字图像编码方式之一的游程编码实现,利用它可以将灰度矩阵转换成游程编码-, One of the digital image encoding Run-length coding, use it can be converted to grayscale matrix run-length coding
- gray level run length matrix
- Gold code sequence generator Run from editor Debug (F5) JC 4/25/09 Gold code generation can sometimes be confusing and hopefully this m-file will be helpful. The m-file uses two preferred pairs of m-sequences (length 2^n-1) chips long
- Multi-shift CGLS solves the systems of linear equations (A *A+TAU(I)*EYE(N))*X(:,I)=A *B (I=1:L) for X with the multishift CGLS algorithm. The right hand side (column) vector B must have length M, where the coefficient matrix A is M-by-N
- The aim of this short workshop is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the JPEG encoding/decoding process using test data and test images. As explained in the lectures the major elements of the JPEG encoding process are the DCT, the non-uniform Quanti
- 图像纹理特征提取,包括分形维数,灰度游程长度,灰度共生矩阵等五种图像纹理特征。-To extract image texture features, including fractal dimension, length of gray-level run-length, gray level co-occurrence matrix and other five kinds of image texture features。