- opencv图像处理,内含边缘检测、边缘分割、区域增长、高斯噪声、椒盐噪声消除以及自适应中值滤波函数的实现-opencv image processing, includes edge detection, edge segmentation, region growing, Gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise cancellation and adaptive median filter function implementation
- 为图像添加各种噪声,如高斯噪声、泊松噪声、椒盐噪声等。(需有opencv)-Add all kinds of noise for the image, such as Gaussian noise, Poisson noise, salt and pepper noise. (The need for opencv)
- 基于opencv的图像和视频处理的软件。该软件实行了opencv的多种功能:边缘检测、拉氏变换、椒盐噪音、人脸识别、霍夫变换等功能。-opencv-based image and video processing software. The software has multiple functions opencv: edge detection, Laplace transform, salt and pepper noise, face recognition, Hough transfo
- Mean filter to get rid of salt and pepper noise in images using opencv library for VC-Mean filter to get rid of salt and pepper noise in images using opencv library for VC++
- 在VC6.0中利用opencv实现任何格式图像的指定概率椒盐噪声添加和均值滤波、带阈值的中值滤波-VC6.0 using opencv in any format images to achieve a specified probability and the mean filter add salt and pepper noise with median filter threshold
- qt和opencv 做均值曲率图像去噪, 主要针对椒盐噪声-qt and the opencv do the mean curvature for image denoising, mainly for salt and pepper noise
- 在灰度图上添加椒盐噪声,并用中值滤波滤除噪声并保存,用opencv写的,需要安装opencv2.1-Add salt and pepper noise in grayscale, with a median filter to filter out the noise and save with opencv write, you need to install opencv2.1
- 利用opencv在图像处理中实现椒盐加噪-salt and pepper plus noise using opencv image processing
- 用opencv实现往图片中添加椒盐噪声和高斯噪声,并去除这两种噪声。-Picture with opencv to add salt and pepper noise and Gaussian noise, and remove the two noise.
- 利用opencv对图像进行加噪(均匀、椒盐)处理,并利用滤波器(修正的阿尔法均值滤波器、自适应中值滤波器)进行滤波 我配置的环境是vs2012+opencv2.0-The image noise by using the opencv (uniform, salt and pepper), and use the filter (modified Alfa mean filter, adaptive median filter) environmental filtering I configu
- opencv+qt+c++ 为图片添加椒盐噪声-Add salt and pepper to picture noise opencv+qt+c++
- 采用c/c++语言,利用opencv库实现对图象的椒盐噪声的处理(Using the c/c++ language and using the opencv library to deal with the salt and pepper noise of the image)