- 渗漏仿真程序。 按照给定概率模拟网状渗漏,并判断是否会发生渗漏,以不同颜色标示渗漏团-Leakage simulation program. In accordance with a given probability of analog network leakage, and to determine whether leakage, seepage groups marked in different colors
- 油藏的数值模拟方法,PPT课件,详细讲解用数值的方法怎样来解油藏中流体(相或者组分)渗流的偏微分方程组,涉及到很多注意内容和细节。-Reservoir numerical simulation method, PPT courseware, explain in detail how to use numerical methods to solve reservoir fluid (as opposed to, or component) seepage of partial differen
- 根据渗流力学原理,通过分析油井的不稳定试井数据求取地层参数;附带有数据。-According to seepage mechanics, through the analysis of instability in oil well test data to strike a formation parameter incidental data.
- 《基于RS-485的尾矿坝渗流监测系统研究与设计》详细介绍该系统的设计与实现!-" RS-485 based on the tailings dam seepage monitoring systems research and design" more details on the system design and implementation!
- 做渗流的一个二维非稳定流的程序,大家可以讨论一下怎么进行改进-To do a two-dimensional seepage flow of non-stable process, we can discuss how to improve
- 现代油藏渗流力学原理,是油藏软件开发、研究必备,属于最新版本。-Modern reservoir seepage mechanics, software development is a reservoir, research must belong to the latest version.
- 现代油藏渗流力学原理下册,上次上载的是上册,应朋友建议将下册也进行上载。-Mechanics of modern reservoir seepage under the books, the last on the list is set to be a friend suggested that the next book also uploaded.
- 介绍了新型变压器油色谱在线监测系统的关键技术。带微孔的聚四氟乙烯膜使渗透速度大大提高,仅用两天时间可完成油气分离;带延迟毛细管的复合色谱柱达到了理想的分离度;新型热线型气敏传感器灵敏且对数线性度好;整套装置的分布式控制技术工作可靠、体积小、易维护。-Introduced a new type of transformer oil chromatography-line monitoring system of key technologies. With microporous PTFE mem
- 是基于ansys土石坝渗流分析,采用非饱和土渗流参数,迭代计算浸润线,根据前次计算结果,不断修改单元的渗透系数和浸润逸出点位置,直到满足精度要求。-Embankment dam seepage analysis is based on ansys
- The new meshless method based on the cover least square approximation, which utilize cover instead of points that are used in the moving least square approximation, is proposed. For the cover distribution, multi scale voxel data is used for the e
- 有限元计算坝体渗流软件 可以计算不同坝型的浸润线-Dam seepage finite element software can calculate the saturation line of different dam
- 渗流模型的实现,点渗流集团尺寸,渗流概率的计算-Percolation model realization, point seepage group size, the calculation of the probability of seepage
- 城市环境水文地质灾害的渗流场时空调控.Hydro-geological disasters in the urban environment and space control seepage.-Hydro-geological disasters in the urban environment and space control seepage.
- 稳定渗流计算的自由面生成程序,用于常规渗流有限元计算中自由面的生成成果-Steady Flow of free surface generation program for the formation of the free surface in the conventional seepage finite element calculation results
- 模拟渗流集群效应的基本规律,欢迎大侠们的指导和讨论-Simulation of the basic rules of the seepage cluster effect, welcome the guidance and discuss the warrior
- This code calculate the steady seepage fo a concrete dam. The program is written in a manner that you can easily change the problem information. To understand how the program works, run main.m then follow the mentioned subroutines (.m files). There i
- 数学分析研究的渗流perculation,任意输入边长n和概率p,n*n的方格图中所有长为1的边以概率p出现后的图形-The seepage perculation, of the mathematical analysis of arbitrary input side length n and the probability p, n* n grid graph all long for an edge with probability p appears graphics
- 关于国产HDSS-II型沥青路面渗水试验仪的使用原理和具体试验步骤-About domestic HDSS-II-type asphalt pavement seepage tester use principles and specific test steps
- 针对常流量水平渗流求解richards方程的源程序-For solving the the richards equation of source code for the constant flow level seepage
- 渗流计算,渗流浸润线的计算,溢出点高程的确定-seepage computation