搜索资源 - shannon channel capacity
文章详细介绍了TPC编码技术及信道容限, 是一篇不错的介绍TPC的文章-An important goal for a new communication system is to transfer information at a high rate while
keeping energy consumption low. Shannon s channel capacity sets a limit on the tradeoff between the rate
of infor
由于Turbo码在接近Shannon极限的低信噪比下仍然能够获得较低的误码率,所以在近几年已成为编码理论界研究的热门领域,在第三代移动通信系统的开发中,Turbo码被普遍认为是高速数据信道的纠错编码方式。现在人们对Turbo码的主要研究包括编码器、交织器的设计及软输入、软输出迭代译码的算法。-This kind of codes has given rise to a large interest in the coding theory because of the can still aeh
这是信息论与编码技术的教学课件。压缩包内含有6个ppt文件,每个ppt自成一章:1绪论、2信源及其熵、3信道及其容量、4信息率失真函数、5信源编码、6信道编码。是初学信息论的最好材料。-Information communication technology is, probability theory and mathematical s
shannon capacity and Symbol Error Rate估计,此程序是调试过的,比较实用于衰减信道。-shannon capacity and Symbol Error Rate is estimated that this program is to debug with,and the more practical in the fading channel.
We investigate the case of independent Rayleigh faded paths between antenna elements and find that with
high probability extraordinary capacity is available. Compared to the baseline n = 1 case, which by Shannon’s
classical formula scales as one
This paper explains channel capacity formula of Shannon.
Matlab关于香农信道容量公式演示实验 -Matlab on Shannon channel capacity formula Matlab demonstration experiment on the Shannon channel capacity formula Demonstration
离散对称信道的信道容量的计算是香农信息论一个很重要的方面-Discrete symmetric channel is the channel capacity is calculated by the Shannon information theory is a very important aspect
Besides calculating the SER verses Eb/No for the various levels of QAM, The m-file shows the coding gain required to closely approach Shannon s channel capacity limit for 4QAM,16QAM,64QAM,256QAM and 1024QAM. Notes are given at the end of the m-file
信息熵 离散无记忆信道容量的迭代计算
Shannon编码 Fano编码 Huffman编码-Discrete information entropy of the iterative calculation of the memory channel capacity
Shannon coding Fano coding Huffman coding
采用了最小化Gap-to-Capacity方式,码率为1/3的卷积信道编码,来寻找最接近香农限的信道编码方式,并给出了软件和硬件实现的方案,有源码和对应的paper,是卷积编码实现的一种较好思路,便捷和通用。-Used to minimize Gap-to-the Capacity way, a code rate of 1/3 convolutional channel coding, to find the closest to the Shannon limit of channel co
This is aimed at exploring how rate control and adaptation of carrier sense threshold can affect spatial reuse (and hence aggregate throughput) in a multi-hop network.
Signal-to-Interference Noise Ratio (SINR) required for successful reception at t
基于Monte Carlo method的16QAM和64QAM信道容量算法,及它们与香农限的比较-Based on the Monte Carlo method, 16QAM and 64QAM channel capacity algorithm, and their comparison with the Shannon limit
这是计算shannon信道容量的源代码文件,可以在此基础上完成相应的功能。-Calculating shannon channel capacity.This is calculated the channel capacity Shannong source file.This is calculated the channel capacity Shannong source file.
信息熵计算 信道容量迭代计算 香农码生成器以及编码 fano生成器以及编码-Information entropy iterative channel capacity the the Shannon code generation encoding fano generator and coding
channel capacity to perform shannon theorem i kalman filter-channel capacity to perform shannon theorem i kalman filter
主要是关于香农关于信道容量的论文,里面并加入自己的一些见解。-it is mainly about Shannon on the channel capacity of the paper and contins some of my views.
画出在AWGN信道下的多用户上行和下行信道容量范围,在保证用户通信公平性的前提下,用Time Sharing和Rate Spliting是上行链路达到香农极限,用Time Sharing和CRX优化使下行链路达到香农极限,并通过仿真图形展现。-Draw in AWGN channel multi-user uplink and downlink channel capacity range, to ensure the user communications fairness premise w
验证香农公式,指在有扰信道下,改变发送信息的错误率,其相应信道容量变化以及与理论的值做比较-The Shannon formula is verified, which means that the error rate of the transmitted information is changed, and the corresponding channel capacity is changed and compared with the theoretical value
The signal-to-noise ratio, the bandwidth, and the channel capacity of a communication channel are connected by the Shannon–Hartley theorem.
Signal-to-noise ratio is sometimes used informally to refer to the ratio of useful information to false or i