- 最近写了一个小的管理软件,在初始页logo里加入了视频,这里正好由于公司做图形这块,于是这里就牵涉到了这个视频文件的保密问题, 其实也没什么,但是这个小文件虽然简单,但也不能让他们自己拿出去做广告吧,因为是免费提供给他们的.这里讨论一下文件的保密,希望有兴趣的朋友一起来讨论一下. -recently wrote a small management software, in the initial pages logo Lane joined the video, here precisel
- FreeJaPoll is a free software that make possible to add in a simple way a web-survey to your own site. FreeJaPoll is a servlet written in Java programming language the program logo (on the right) shows The Duke (Java mascotte) and a duke-like c
- 視訊擷取源代碼,簡單示範如何在影片畫上logo-video capture source code, a simple demonstration of how the film was painted logo
- 蓝天图案,大家有兴趣可以看看,很简单的,至少可以增加你的信心-sky logo, we are interested can see, is very simple, at least to increase your confidence
- 简单的显示logo的例子-simple example shows logo
- 使用说明: --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- 1:这是本人最早用过的,比较简单,便于修改,适合初学做网站的参考。 2:本系统是一个小型新闻发布系统。可以做为一个新闻频道,也可以做一个小型的新闻网站。 3:后台添加1~2级导航菜单 4:为了加快首页显示速度,logo链接将只在内页显示,首页只显示文字链接。 5:数据库已经做了防下载处理 6:你可以做任何修改,本人不保留版权。希望使用本系统的,能够保留本站的链接。 7:本系统免费提供给你使用,因
- 一个简单的24点游戏,也可以说是原创,也是没有logo,适合应付作业!-a simple 24-point game, that is, it is original, there is no logo, suited to meet the operational!
- 本程序有友善之臂提供,为2440开发板的示例程序,请使用ADS编译。 简单使用说明: 使用H-Jtag或者更高级的仿真器调试,也可以不使用仿真器,借助supervivi的Download & Run功能测试, 下载的时候把DNW的下载地址设置为 0x30000000 即可。 本程序支持如下LCD: - NEC3.5"真彩LCD,分辨率240x320 - 7寸真彩LCD, 分辨率800x480 - VGA扩展模块,分辨率1024x768@70Hz 若要在LCD上正常显示
- 使用Visual C++6.0继承开发环境,基于OpenGL动态绘制奥林匹克五环标志的一个小源码。代码只有一个C语音源文件。算法相对简单-The use of Visual C++ 6.0 development environment, inheritance, dynamic rendering based on OpenGL Olympic rings logo, a small source. There is only one voice C code source file. Rel
- 这个代码实现了一个比较简单的小游戏--大家小时候玩的用笔画图。可以让笔离开纸面,让笔接触纸面等等一系列命令。另外还扩展了它的命令集。-This code implements a relatively simple game- you use a pen drawing of a child to play. Can leave the pen on paper, so that contact paper pen a series of commands and so on. It also
- AAA logo是一款logo设计软件。通过简单而强大的方式,设计专业的logo,几分钟内就可以用于网页或者打印出来。内置60个模板,也可以自己定制模板。附带包含2000多个logo对象和剪贴画的图库。所有内置logo对象都是基于矢量的,可以轻易的缩放和旋转。也可以对任意单独对象应用不同的样式,得到几乎无限的对象和效果组合。 -AAA logo is a logo design software. Through simple and powerful way to design a profe
- 给开发板改图片的. 让开机就能运行自己 喜欢的图片. 操作非常简单.-To the development board to change the picture. So that boot will be able to run your own favorite pictures. Operation is very simple.
- Linux logo简易制作工具,基于Fedora 9平台开发,图形界面。希望那个大家会喜欢-Linux logo simple authoring tools, based on Fedora 9 platform, graphical interface. Hope that you will love
- a simple logo made in j2me-a simple logo made in j2me...
- HSORT数字报刊系统.本系统是一套用于报刊杂志数字版发布、更新的软件,只需将包含文章内容的纯文本进行简单标识,就可由本软件根据模板快速生成整个网站的-HSORT digital press system. This system is a digital release for newspapers and magazines, updating the software, just the plain text content of the article contains a simple
- 包括图像8位和24位读取和显示,图像保存,图像数据保存到文件中,简单的logo制作。MFC程序,帮助初学者使用。-Including 8-bit and 24-bit image to read and display, image storage, image data is saved to a file, create a simple logo. MFC program to help beginners.
- 能完整解析在DOS下运行的画图,计算,简易编程软件——PC logo汉化版的POWERPOINT课件-Can complete analytical run under DOS drawing, calculating, simple programming software- PC logo finished version of the courseware POWERPOINT
- DOS操作系统下运行的一个简易编程软件,相比其他软件来说更简单易学,有作图,演奏,计算运算等多种功能-Running under the DOS operating system, a simple programming software, compared to other software is more easy to learn, there are mapping, playing a variety of functions such as calculation operator
- simple example of displaying the logo
yiyi0813 logo
- Here brief introduction, I made some simple extensions based on Dapper, for your reference. Why use this framework, I believe we see the following ranking is clear, in fact, on major websites