- The Tower of Hanoi or Towers of Hanoi is a mathematical game or puzzle. It consists of three rods, and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide onto any rod. The puzzle starts with the disks in a neat stack in ascending order of size on o
- 几个经典的小游戏代码(俄罗斯方块,黑白棋,彩球滑梯)-Several classic game code (Tetris, Othello, ball slide). . .
- 一种滑块游戏 很不错的游戏 源码无错,可直接编译通过-A kind of game is very good game slide error-free source code can be compiled directly by
- java弹球小游戏,其中游戏过程中滑板碰到小球游戏即结束-java pinball game, which hit during the game slide that ended the ball game
- (WPF+CSharp):例子为一个益智类小游戏,此游戏包括15个标识数字的方块,放在4*4格子中,其中有一个格子分配不到数字方块,此格子相邻的方块可以滑动过来,通过滑动将数字排到正确的顺序。-(WPF+ CSharp): example of a puzzle game, this game includes 15 identification numbers in the box, on the 4* 4 grid, where there is not a lattice distribu
- Irrlicht game engine introduction slide descr iptions
- JAVA游戏滑板小车的设计与实现。多主角、多关卡、暂停功能-JAVA game slide car design and implementation. More characters, more levels, pause function
- 用Jave写的滑动积木块游戏算法(人工智能A*算法),用OpenGL做的运行界面,理论上可以实现任意子的滑动积木块游戏。游戏规则为将所有黑子移到白子的右边所需的最少走步。可以作为人工智能的学习资料使用,便于更深入的理解A*算法。-Sliding write Jave building block game algorithm (Artificial Intelligence A* algorithm), run interface with OpenGL, in theory, can be a
- The Tower of Hanoi (also called the Tower of Brahma or Lucas Tower,[1] and sometimes pluralised) is a mathematical game or puzzle. It consists of three rods, and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide onto any rod. The puzzle starts wit
- Lianliankan source code flash game to
- 十五滑块问题,理工专用,相当靠谱。十五滑块难题是个非常流行的游戏:即使你不知道他的名字,你也一定见过类似的游戏(比如,中国的华容道^_*)。此游戏由15个滑块组成,每个滑块上都标有从1到15不同的数字。所有滑块都放在一个4X4的盒子中,且在这盒子中正好缺少一个滑块。-Fifteen slider problem, Polytechnic dedicated, very tricky. Fifteen slider puzzle is a very popular game: Even if yo
- 十五滑块难题是个非常流行的游戏:即使你不知道他的名字,你也一定见过类似的游戏(比如,中国的华容道^_*)。此游戏由15个滑块组成,每个滑块上都标有从1到15不同的数字。所有滑块都放在一个4×4的盒子中,且在这盒子中正好缺少一个滑块。-Fifteen slider puzzle is a very popular game: Even if you do not know his name, you must have seen similar games (for example, China
- JAVA游戏滑板小车的设计与实现。多主角、多关卡、暂停功能-JAVA game slide car design and implementation. More characters, more levels, pause function
- JAVA游戏滑板小车的设计与实现。多主角、多关卡、暂停功能-JAVA game slide car design and implementation. More characters, more levels, pause function
- 本游戏通过触摸屏幕进行操作,玩家可通过触摸屏幕上非按钮的位置或微调按钮可以调节球杆的方向,滑动力度条可以调节击球力度,单击“go”按钮开始击球。 -This game via touch-screen operation, the player can fine-tune the position of the buttons on the touch screen or buttons to adjust the club non-direction slide bar to adjus
- 坦克的2D小游戏源码,项目虽小但是涉及的东西却不少,各种炮弹飞碟和坦克等效果使用了大量的绘图血量的计算也很多,按住屏幕上下滑动可以控制炮管角度,点击屏幕发射炮弹,另外如果摧毁了敌方的坦克或者飞碟会给自身加血,坦克行进过程中也有炮弹补给箱动画。纯java代码实现, -Money game source code on the tank 2D, the project is small but has a lot of things involved in a variety of artill
- Tower of Hanoi algorithm code The Tower of Hanoi (also called the Tower of Brahma or Lucas Tower,[1] and sometimes pluralized) is a mathematical game or puzzle. It consists of three rods, and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide
- 12048游戏共有16个格子 2初始时会有两个格子上安放了两个数字2。 每次可以选择上下左右其中一个方向去滑动,每滑动一次-12048 The game has two number 2 will be placed on both the grid 16 grid 2 initially. Each time you can choose where to slide up and down in one direction, once every slide
- 一开始方格内会随机出现2这个小数字,每次可以选择上下左右其中一个方向去滑动,每滑动一次,所有的数字方块都会往滑动的方向靠拢外,系统也会在空白的地方乱数出现一个数字2或4方块,出现2的概率是出现4的概率的3倍,相同数字的方块在靠拢、相撞时会相加。系统给予的数字方块不是2就是4,玩家要想办法在这小小的16格范围中凑出“2048”这个数字方块。断的叠加最终拼凑出2048这个数字就算成功通关。当所有16格数字已满,无法叠加,且没有出现2048这个数字则算游戏失败。-Will randomly appea
- 网络游戏官网多级下拉导航菜单是一款基于jQuery实现的鼠标滑动到菜单栏显示多级下拉菜单的代码,有官网首页、游戏资料、游戏向导、下载中心、自助服务、玩家社区等栏目菜单。-Online games official website Multi-level drop-down navigation menu is a jQuery-based realization of the mouse slide to display the menu bar codes multi-level drop-d