- JEQ is class library written in pure Java. It implements the infinite impulse response (IIR) algorithm for bandpass filtering of sound stream. So, it represents a backend code for stereo 10/15/25/31-band equalizer.-JEQ class library is written in pur
- VB做的功能强大的录音程序,可以加特殊效果,如:回声、放大器、均衡器等,有原码、可运行程序;-VB to do a powerful sound recording program, you can add special effects, such as: echo, amplifier, equalizer, etc., there is the original code, can run the program
- win32 sound equalizer
- MortPlayerSource是支持Pocket Pc系统的MP3/Ogg播放器 支持MP2, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and WAV格式歌曲播放 支持流方式播放 支持某些特定音效(限于Mp3格式) -The MortPlayer is an MP3/Ogg player which is optimized for the needs on a Pocket PC Support of MP2, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and WAV
- • Plot the noisy speech signal both in time-domain and frequency-domain. • 进行含噪语音信号的时频分析 • Design a proper filter to remove noise from the speech signal. • 设计合适滤波器进行去噪 • Plot the clean signal both in time-domain
- 用于控制音质的NF型调制控制电路,因仅能进行低音和高音的增强和衰减,所以不能进行细微的频率特性的补偿。述有,如果想使可听频带域的任意频率均可变,一般使用被称为图形均衡器的装置。这里使用DSP的例子在不断增加,如果要使用简单的电路则使用OP放大器较好。这种图形均衡器是将补偿的中心频率分割为5~7份,分别进行控制,由5个RLC电路组成,十分实用。分割的各个频率是以可听频率范围为对称轴均等分配而决定。-NF-modulation control circuit to control the sound
- Bass boost is an audio effect to boost or amplify low frequencies of the sound. It is comparable to a simple equalizer but limited to one band amplification in the low frequency range.
- 实现功能 1) 在用户界面设置录音时长并实时录音 2) 调节放音幅度、播放原声并进行时域、频域绘图 3) 对收集的声音进行倒放处理并播放 4) 对收集声音进行回声处理并播放,比对时域波形 5) 对收集声音进行回响处理并播放,比对时域波形 6) 对经过回声处理的声音进行回音消除并比对时域波形 7) 采用自适应滤波器消除采集声音中的环境噪音 8) 设计相应的滤波器组成均衡器对收集的声音进行处理并播放 9) 男女声识别 10) 设计参数可调的滤波器对采集的声音进
- 一款安卓平台上的音乐播放与音效展示软件。目前已经实现音频播放控制、均衡器和跳动频谱以及各种均衡器效果。-Android music player with a sound display software platform. Core features include: audio playback controls, equalizer
- 八位数字均衡器,声音的录制,播放,倒放以及回声-Eight bit sound equalizer
- 8阶数字均衡器可以做到对声音进行处理,适合做课程项目的同学使用-8 bands digital equalizer can do for sound processing, suitable for course students
- 数字音效处理器以MATLAB为设计平台,有.wav文件的获取、滤波、保存和播放功能。在对声音文件进行基本波形分析和频率分析的基础上,增加了特殊音效的功能,并有8段均衡器可对声音信号进行调节后保存播放。此外还附有语音识别程序。-Digital audio processor uses MATLAB design platform,it has wav file access, filtering, saving and playback function. On the basis of soun
- 3d sound player and equalizer
- 音乐、声音均衡器,用于乐声等信号均衡 调节声音风格(Music and sound equalizer)
FineAudio 1.0 by bagie
- Small audio player that uses BASS components as a sound engine. BASS components can be found at: http://un4seen.com/. They are also included in the attachment. One hilarious feature of this audio player is the "Funny LED" effect which