- JK Proxy Project - Version 0.1 ------------------------------ This was going to be a proxy server bu I stopped developing this program (maybe I will go on coding on this application again some time). The email part with spam filtering a
- PHP SMTP, Email 邮件工具,可发送Text, HTML格式信件,可夹带多附件,可透过本机或其他Mail Server传送-PHP SMTP, Email spam tools, can send Text, HTML format letters, inflating the number annex, through the machine or other transmission Mail Server
- MIME的编辑和解析类。不用了解MIME的详细协议也能生成各种标准格式的email文件。我就是用这个类很快的写了一个程序来批量生成email文件,然后用dreammail等邮件工具*,比较不容易被邮件服务器认为是垃圾邮件。-MIME type of the editing and analysis. Do not understand the details of the agreement MIME can also generate a variety of standard format
- 这是一篇不错的垃圾邮件过滤方面的硕士论文,具有较高的参考价值。本科毕业设计和硕士选题等都可以参考。- The Study and Application of Chinese-Spam Filtering Technology
- ISPConfig是一个ISP管理与**控制系统。它能够管理你的Web服务器,Email服务器,DNS绑定(A、CNAME、MX和SPF记录),FTP服务器,MySQL数据库,站点流量限制,防火墙,垃圾信息拦截等。利用其提供的Web界面能够管理/配置硬盘的存储空间。-ISPConfig is an ISP management and control system**. It can manage your Web server, Email server, DNS binding (A, CN
- HTMLProtector v2.5 [ASP] - Tool that protect the content of your web page by prevent others from viewing your source code. It will aslo stop spam robots from extracting email addresses from your pages as well as prevent people from using au
- spam filter for email classifacation
- Spam any email you want easily and very quickly
- this the document that learn how to filter spam email by knn algoritm-this is the document that learn how to filter spam email by knn algoritm
- 大师级人物写的蚁群算法解决TSP问题,真的挺不错,你可以下下来看看的.- Program s name: acotsp Ant Colony Optimization algorithms (AS, ACS, EAS, RAS, MMAS, BWAS) for the symmetric TSP Copyright (C) 2004 Thomas Stuetzle This program is free software yo
- jspf (Java Simple Plugin Framework) 是一个插件框架,集成了很多 IoC 框架的概念在里面-The jSPF library is pure Java SPF implementation. It was designed to match the current SPF-Specs of 2006-2009 (See RFC section). SPF is also knows as Sender Policy Framework. It was desig
- antispam with lisp you can analyse email with bayesien methods , it s very strong application-antispam with lisp you can analyse email with bayesien methods , it s very strong application
- phan biet spam va email
- 可连接163,126和qq邮箱,获取邮箱中的邮件,根据贝叶斯分类器的的学习识别获取到的垃圾邮件。-This program connects to 163, 126 or QQ mailbox to obtain the email, and recognizes the spam based on the learning result by Bayes Classifer.
- 利用贝叶斯分类器写的垃圾邮件过滤器,准确率达98 -A spam email filter with Naive Bayes.
- 机器学习中的垃圾邮件分类程序,用matlab做的。从以下链接下载垃圾邮件数据(spam data):(数据已下载,放在spambase.zip) http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~tibs/ElemStatLearn/index.html 该数据包含57个邮件信息相关的变量,每条邮件可以被分类为垃圾邮件(Y=1)和非垃圾邮件(Y=0)。输出Y的值在文件中每一列的末尾。练习的目标是要预测电子邮件是否为垃圾邮件。 -Machine Learning spam
- Email filtering is the processing of email to organize it according to specified criteria. Most often this refers to the automatic processing of incoming messages, but the term also applies to the intervention of human intelligence in addition to ant
- 用贝叶斯算法实现邮件自动分类及垃圾邮件过滤-Bayesian algorithms to achieve automatic email classification and spam filtering
- It s email spammer, I often use it to attack back spam mail
- This document gives the literature review of spam email classification. It explain more than 8 types of classification method and also explain some tool used for spam email classification