- 可以用在并行计算中的代码,支持稀疏矩阵的LU分解,用来求方程组的解-can be used in parallel computing code, sparse matrix support the LU decomposition, used for the solution of the equations
- LU分解求解矩阵方程组的解,最新版本,快速求解稀疏矩阵-LU decomposition of the matrix equation solution, the latest version, sparse matrix Quick Solution
- LU矩阵分解单机版最新版本,用于快速求解稀疏矩阵组成的方程组的解-LU decomposition matrix version of the latest stand-alone version for fast sparse matrix solution of the solution of the equations
- 稀疏矩阵分解的最好方法之一,LU分解,快速高效的分解矩阵-sparse matrix factorization one of the best ways, LU decomposition, fast and efficient decomposition matrix
- 针对有限元分析的稀疏矩阵采用一维存储时的矩阵运算编写的,可对其进行加减乘除和LU分解等运算-against the finite element analysis using a sparse matrix storage dimensional matrix prepared by the operator, can its arithmetic and LU decomposition, etc. Operational
- 陆吾生教授是加拿大维多利亚大学电气与计算机工程系的教授。此课件为其在国内大学短期精品课程的课件。包含最优化问题求解,压缩感知方法及其在稀疏信号和图像处理中的应用(压缩、重构、降噪等)。-Professor Lu Wusheng University of Victoria, Canada Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The courseware for the University in the domestic short
- LDPC codes BER simulation under AWGN channel. MacKay-Neal based LDPC matrix. Message encoding uses sparse LU decomposition. There are 4 choices of decoder: hard-decision/bit-flip decoder, probability-domain SPA decoder, log-domain SPA decoder, and si
- UMFPACK: unsymmetric multifrontal sparse LU factorization package
- Sparse LU Decomposition using FPGA,使用fpga实现lu分解的算法实现-Sparse LU Decomposition using FPGA, using the FPGA to achieve lu decomposition algorithm
- 包括牛顿法,拉格朗日法,LU分解法,100*100阶稀疏矩阵方程组的解法等-Including the Newton method, Lagrangian method, LU decomposition method, 100* 100 band sparse matrix equations of the solution, etc.
- SuperLU is a general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations on high performance machines. The library is written in C and is callable from either C or Fortran. The library routines will perf
- LDPC码既低密度奇偶校验码(Low Density Parity Check Code,LDPC),它由Robert G.Gallager博士于1963年提出的一类具有稀疏校验矩阵的线性分组码,不仅有逼近Shannon限的良好性能,而且译码复杂度较低, 结构灵活,是近年信道编码领域的研究热点,目前已广泛应用于深空通信、光纤通信、卫星数字视频和音频广播等领域。LDPC码已成为第四代通信系统(4G) -LDPC codes BER simulation under AWGN channel.
- 该程序是针对稀疏矩阵而编制的,主要是一个稀疏矩阵类的实现,其中采用十字链表法对矩阵进行存储。该矩阵类能够完成矩阵操作和运算的大部分功能,重点是矩阵的LU分解和线性代数方程组的求解计算。-The program is prepared for the sparse matrix, and is primarily a kind of realization of sparse matrix, in which the use of cross linked matrix storage metho
- LAPACK是用Fortran90和规定套路解决系统同步线性方程组,最小二乘解线性方程组,特征值问题,以及奇异值问题。相关的矩阵分解(陆,乔莱斯基,快速反应,分解,舒尔,广义Schur )也提供了,因为有关的计算,如重新安排的舒尔分解和估计条件号码。致密带状矩阵的处理,而不是一般稀疏矩阵。在所有领域,类似的功能是提供真正的和复杂的矩阵,在单,双精度-LAPACK is written in Fortran90 and provides routines for solving systems o
- 对稀疏矩阵进行LU分解,可用于电路仿真、FEM求解等 C语言-KLU is a sparse LU factorization algorithm well-suited for use in circuit simulation. KLU is a sparse LU factorization algorithm well-suited for use in circuit simulation. It was highlighted in the May 2007 issue of SIA
- 1、随机生成一个5*5矩阵A,元素符合均匀分布;再随机生成一个5*5矩阵B,元素符合正态分布。对A和B进行加、减、乘、除、比较等矩阵运算,查看运算结果。 2、创建5阶魔术矩阵,求A的行列式、特征值、逆、秩、迹、条件数。 3、假设矩阵 ,求A的LU分解、正交分解、特征值分解、奇异值分解。 4、创建6阶单位稀疏矩阵,并显示其全部元素。 -1, randomly generated a 5* 5 matrix A, elements in line with uniform
- LDPC codes BER simulation under AWGN channel. MacKay-Neal based LDPC matrix. Message encoding uses sparse LU decomposition. There are 4 choices of decoder: hard-decision/bit-flip decoder, probability-domain SPA decoder, log-domain SPA decoder, and si
- helpful program to claculate Fast Sparse LU substitution
- Fast Sparse LU substitution
- Parity check bits is computed using sparse LU decomposition, utilizing sparse matrix properties of H. LDPC code decoding is done using iterative belief propagation or sum-product algorithm (SPA). Four versions of SPA decoder are presented.