state-space model used for wind turbine
- state-space model used for wind turbine simulations,state-space model used for wind turbine simulations
- 将非平稳时间序列的状态空间建模方法用于陀螺过渡过程的分析.基于平滑先验约束的概念,使用卡尔曼滤波和赤池的AIC方法拟合全局模型,得到陀螺漂移模型的若干数值结果并用于陀螺系统分析.由于观测序列的趋势项、不规则分量可同时建模,因此比分别建模在统计上更加准确有效.-Will be non-stationary time series state space modeling method for the analysis of the transition process gyro. Priori s
- MATLAB语言实现的模糊控制,参数可调,被控对象输入方式有传函、零极点、状态空间。是对被控对象的软计算。-MATLAB language of fuzzy control, adjustable parameters, was charged with the importation of the way the target transfer function, zero-pole placement, state-space. The object of soft computing.
- The state space model is nonlinear and is input to the function along with the current measurement. The function performs the extended Kalman filter update and returns the estimated next state and error covariance MATLAB 7.6 (R2008a)
- The state space model is nonlinear and is input to the function along with the current measurement. The function performs the extended Kalman filter update and returns the estimated next state and error covariance
- state space model - john aston
- good sources of knowledge to know about state space analysis of control systems
- state space model of system sampling time
- 基于状态空间被控对象的含有时滞的预测控制算法的一个求解LMI的例子-Controlled object based on state space predictive control algorithm with delay a case for solving LMI
- kalman filter for state space estimation. descrat time, with Monte Carlo
- 混沌系统的相空间重构,可用于分析庞加莱截面-reconstruction of state space
- 通过建立状态空间模型,使用simulink仿真,其中包括了kalman滤波-Through the establishment of the state space model, using the simulink simulation, including the kalman filter
- Matrix Method to Linearization and State Space Representation of Power Systems Containing Doubly Fed Induction Machines Operating as Wind Generators
- state space modeling of wind turbine
- 线性系统的状态空间分析与综合,程序均有详细注释-The state space of the linear system analysis and synthesis procedures have detailed notes
- Estimating State-Space models through Maximum Likelihood_matlab code
- 编程实现State-Space对应功能,同一个输入在一个s函数和一个相同的传函下所得到的输出是相同的-State-Space corresponding programming function, the same input in a s the same function, and a transfer function of the resulting output is the same
- The modeling of basic DC-DC converters (buck, boost and buck-boost) using state-space representations for control uses. State-space representation is dependent on the derivative state variables, as well as the switching mode of the converter by its d
inner loop coding for state space
- its a matlab code for inner loop controller for buck converter through state space
Linear State-Space Control Systems
- linear state-space control systems course