- VB6 has two very useful string functions: Join and Split. This code implements Join and Split functions using STL so that you can use them in your C++ programs -VB6 has two very useful string functions : Join and Split. This code implements Join and
- 本例是对STL中string类的扩展,很好的弥补了现有string类的不足,可以和CString相媲美哦~~ 扩展的功能有分割字串,整形转换成string,字符串替换,判断该字串的类型等。 使用起来也很方便,直接include该头文件即可。-This example is the STL string class in the expansion, very good to make up for the deficiencies of the existing string class
- 常用的字符串类别和函数。包括:split、replace、search三个强大功能的类别,以及trim、bin2hex等常用功能函数。-Commonly used string type and function. Including: split, replace, search the three power categories, as well as trim, bin2hex function, such as commonly used.
- std::string并没有提供所有需要方法。所以,需要用STL提供了算法库、字符串流以及现存的std::string的方法来实现它们。 ※ 将字符串转换为大写/小写 ※ 去掉字符串两端的空格 ※ 忽略大小写比较字符串 ※ StartsWith和EndsWith ※ 从字符串解析出int和bool等类型的值 ※ 将各种数值类型转换成字符串(toString) ※ 拆分字符串和Tokenizer-std:: string does not provide all the