- opengl的太阳地球月亮 自传公转三维动画 带光影-Sun Earth Moon opengl autobiography with a light three-dimensional animation revolution
- 基于Sun SPOT技术的光强度传感器程序(Java语言编写的)-Sun SPOT technology based on light intensity sensors procedures (Java language)
- 模拟太阳系行星的运动及太阳的光照等,采用OPENGL技术,在VS2005环境下进行开发-Simulation of the solar system planets and the sun s light movement and so on, using OPENGL technology, in the VS2005 development environment
- Not only is the sun a source of heat and light, it’s a source of electricity too! Solar cells, also called photovoltaic cells, are used to convert sunlight to electricity. Solar cells are used to provide electricity all kinds of equipment, fr
- This sample demonstrates manipulation of the globe light source—enabling and disabling the light source, moving it as a response to the mouse position, and changing the sun s ambient light and contrast.
- This sample demonstrates manipulation of the globe light source—enabling and disabling the light source, moving it as a response to the mouse position, and changing the sun s ambient light and contrast.
- This sample demonstrates manipulation of the globe light source—enabling and disabling the light source, moving it as a response to the mouse position, and changing the sun s ambient light and contrast.
- 本文讨论的是坡面日照问题在实际生活中的应用。在模型假设的基础上,我们把太阳在地面上投影近似看成匀速运动,并重点对临界状态加以分析讨论:只有侧光,没有顶光的情况;只有顶光,没有侧光的情况;既有侧光又有顶光的情况。然后再从日常生活中几种常见的走向,东西,东南,南北来进行分析-This article discusses the issue of slope sun in real life applications. Based on the assumptions in the model, we
- 该程序是一个简单的太阳、地球和月亮的旋转系统。基于VS2005开发平台,使用C++和OpenGL编写。该程序使用了OpenGL基本的坐标变换功能,实现球体的公转和自转。加入了光照和纹理,使其场景真实。另外,用户可以和场景进行简单的交互,方向键可以控制场景的坐标旋转,鼠标可以点击太阳、地球和月亮,变换其渲染模式(无纹理渲染和有纹理渲染),并且窗口标题会提示当前点击的对象。-The program is a simple sun, Earth and moon rotation system. VS
- This a power generating method from sunlight.This method of power generation is simple and is taken from natural resource. This need only maximum sunlight to generate power. This project helps for power generation by setting the equipment to get maxi
- This a source code of 8051 based splar panel sun tracker which roates the panel depending on the status of the sun light intensity falling on the LDR.-This is a source code of 8051 based splar panel sun tracker which roates the panel depending on the
- vc++的菜单设计学习,通过孙鑫视频的练习,对vc有一定的了解,这是一个例子方便大家学习时参照-vc++ menu design study, practice video by Xin Sun, have a certain understanding of the vc, it is convenient for them to learn from an example of when the light
- 用NEC编程的太阳灯程序,使用了内置EEPROM和内置振荡。-NEC programming with the sun light, the use of the built-in EEPROM and the built-in oscillation.
- OpenGL入门,以太阳、地球作为例子,把太阳作为光源,模拟地球围绕太阳转动时光照的变化。于是,需要设置一个光源——太阳,设置两种材质——太阳的材质和地球的材质。-OpenGL entry to the sun, the earth as an example, the sun as the light source to simulate the Earth' s rotation around the sun light changes. Thus, the need to set
- 层间共阳,8*8*8光立方的动画程序。 基于74HC573和ULN2803芯片。-Between layers of the sun, light cube animation program
- 太阳能自动跟踪系统,采用了6组光敏电阻检测各个维度的光照强度,以确定太阳光垂直照射的方向,通过调节液压系统来保持太阳能电池板正对太阳光照-Solar tracking system, using the light intensity detected in 6 groups photoresistor each dimension, in order to determine the direction perpendicular sunlight exposure by adjusting
- 本文详细介绍了以MG996舵机控制为核心,以STC12C5A08S2做控制芯片,根据M-87获取的相关数据通过按拟合的太阳偏转公式寻找太阳的大致方位,再根据感光模块的相应光强变化进行精确调整,将感光追踪模式与日历追踪模式相结合,以实现运行过程中的自矫正,同时能够根据外界环境判断目前运行状态,做出相应操作最终完成一套能在无人值守环境下自动运行的太阳光源自动追踪系统-This paper introduces the MG996 servo control as the core, STC12C5A
- 一个有关太阳系行星的程序可以实现各个行星的运转,方向以及它们的轨道还有纹理和光照。-One of the planets of the solar system s program can achieve various planets, and their trajectory and direction of texture and light.
- 以太阳、地球作为例子,把太阳作为光源,模拟地球围绕太阳转动时光照的变化。于是,需要设置一个光源——太阳,设置两种材质——太阳的材质和地球的材质。 把太阳光线设置为白色,位置在画面正中。把太阳的材质设置为微微散发出红色的光芒,把地球的材质设置为微微散发出暗淡的蓝色光芒,并且反射蓝色的光芒,镜面指数设置成一个比较小的值。简单起见,不再考虑太阳和地球的大小关系,用同样大小的球体来代替之。 -In the sun, the Earth as an example, the sun as a li
- 光立方是一学习单片机非常好的练习材料。拿8*8*8光立方举例,它是由512个发光二极管按照立方体的方式搭建焊接起来的,有层共阴束共阳和层共阳束共阴两种方案,每一层有8*8个发光二极管,共8层。用c语言编译单片机程序使自定义动画效果得以实现。-Light Cube is a very good practice material for learning a single chip. Take 8* 8* 8 light cube example, it is by the 512 light-e