- 将要丢入SVM支持向量机的资料作正规化的动作-will be down the SVM SVM information for the regularization of action
- 人脸检测源代码. The souce demonstrates face detection SSE optimized C++ library for color and gray scale data with skin detection, motion estimation for faster processing, small sized SVM and NN rough face prefiltering, PCA/LDA/ICA/any dimensionality reduct
- 台湾大学林智仁的SVM程序,不用scale,直接train就可以了!,National Taiwan University林智仁the SVM procedure, do not scale, can be a direct train!
- matlab图像预处理,包括灰度化,对数变换,直方图均衡化,线性平滑滤波,中值滤波,自适应滤波,图像锐化,图像二值化,各类边缘检测算子等等,matlab image preprocessing, including gray-scale and logarithmic transformation, histogram equalization, linear filtering, median filtering, adaptive filtering, image sharpening, i
- 基于SVM的股市预测程序,效果极佳,值得使用。-Support Vector Machine forecast, mainly for large-scale objects to predict.
- 支持向量机算法,主要是针对大规模对象进行处理-Support vector machine is targeted mainly at dealing with large-scale objects
- 支持向量机算法训练部分,主要是针对大规模对象进行训练-Support Vector Machine training component, is mainly directed against the target of large-scale training
- 支持向量机算法预测部分,主要是针对大规模对象进行预测-Support Vector Machine forecast, mainly for large-scale objects to predict
- SVM工具箱集锦,希望对大家有帮助,SVM现在发展很快啊!-SVM Toolbox Collection, I hope all of you help, SVM has developed very rapidly now ah!
- Chesnokov Yuriy写的人脸检测库,内容涵盖肤色检测、运动估计、SVM分类、PCA/LDA/ICA特征提取以及神经网络分类器等。-The article demonstrates face detection SSE optimized C++ library for color and gray scale data with skin detection, motion estimation for faster processing, small sized SVM and NN
- 林智仁(cjlin) 老师 的 libsvm 完美的工具,C++程序的SVM的实现-Lin Zhiren (cjlin) teacher' s libsvm the perfect tool for, C++ program SVM implementation. . . ~ ~ ~
- Scale Data using in SVM algorithm
- Abstract Advantages and limitations of the existing models for practical forecasting of stock market volatility have been identified. Support vector machine (SVM) have been proposed as a complimentary volatility model that is capable to extract i
- matlab的规范化(scale)函数,应用于svm的数据规范化,一般规范到(-1,1)或(0,1)-matlab standardized (scale) functions, used in data standardization svm, general specifications to (-1,1) or (0,1)
- The article demonstrates face detection SSE optimized C++ library for color and gray scale data with skin detection, motion estimation for faster processing, small sized SVM and NN rough face prefiltering, PCA/LDA/ICA/any dimensionality reduction/pro
- 提出一种多尺度方向(multi-scale orientation,简称 MSO)特征描述子用于静态图片中的人体目标检 测.MSO 特征由随机采样的图像方块组成,包含了粗特征集合与精特征集合.其中,粗特征是图像块的方向,而精特征 由 Gabor 小波幅值响应竞争获得.对于两种特征,分别采用贪心算法进行选择,并使用级联 Adaboost 算法及 SVM 训 练检测模型.基于粗特征的 Adaboost 分类器能够保证高的检测速度,而基于精特征的 SVM 分类器则保证了检测精 度.另
- T. Joachims, Making Large-Scale SVM Learning Practical. Advances in Kernel Methods - Support Vector Learning, B. Sch?lkopf and C. Burges and A. Smola (ed.), MIT Press, 1999.-T. Joachims, Making Large-Scale SVM Learning Practical. Advances in
- 经典随机梯度下降SVM,一个简单易读的线性分类器代码,执行速度快,分类准确率也不错,适用于大规模图像分类。-The classic stochastic gradient descent SVM, a linear classifier code easier to read, faster execution speed, good classification accuracy, suitable for large-scale image classification.
- The VLFeat open source library implements popular computer vision algorithms specializing in image understanding and local featurexs extraction and matching. Algorithms incldue Fisher Vector, VLAD, SIFT, MSER, k-means, hierarchical k-means, agglomera
- This a demonstration of the Blind/Referenceless Image Spatial Quality Evaluator (BRISQUE) index. The algorithm is described in: A. Mittal, A. K. Moorthy and A. C. Bovik, No Reference Image Quality Assessment in the Spatial Domain Binaries: