- 学生信息管理,基于MFC,SQL数据库,ODBC-xueshengxinxiguanlixitong
- 以为我贫穷、相貌平平就没有感情吗 ? 我向你发誓,如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我会让你无法离开我,就像我现在无法离开你一样。虽然上帝没有这么做,可我们在精神上依然是平等的-Thought I was poor, looks mediocre no feelings? I swear to you, if God gives me wealth and beauty, I will let you can not leave me, as I now can not leave like you.
- 打字白桦林 朴树 静静的村庄飘着白的雪 阴霾的天空下鸽子飞翔 白桦树刻着那两个名字 他们发誓相爱用尽这一生有一天战火烧到了家乡小伙子拿起枪奔赴边疆心上人你不要为我担心 等着我回来在那片白桦林天空依然阴霾依然有鸽子在飞翔谁来证明那些没有墓碑的爱情和生命 雪依然在下那村庄依然安详年轻的人们消失在白桦林噩耗声传来在那个午后心上人战死在远方沙场 她默默来到那片白桦林望眼欲穿地每天守在那里她说他只是迷失在远方-Hackberry typing quiet birch white vill
- BS结构信息管理系统喜欢的可以来看看 挺不错的 希望大家喜欢-Dafasf is a mage swear words suggestion on gaz ingrained Aston karma ah Phineas patriotic ah ga ga s occurrence the gaz Gagasi karma Huanfadahao as shown in Figure
- 啊舒服噶是法师发誓啊虽然是大概飒飒啊沙发我发誓-Ah comfortable Karma Master swear
- 看到别人都在写自动扫雷程序,下载VC源码感受了一番,大部分都不很理想,发誓自己要写一个搞死扫雷的程序,现在写出来了,自我满意,把VC++源码也分享给大家。(See others are written in the automatic clearance procedures, VC source code download feel a lot, most are not very ideal, swear to write a dead clearance procedures, now w
- 这个是一个我编写的扣字神器。他可以调整速度,达到扣字骂人的功能。他是利用模拟按键复制粘贴完成的。很完美。(This is a buckle artifact I have written. He can adjust his speed to catch the call and swear. He used analog buttons to copy and paste. Perfect.)
CodeTamer - Copy
- I swear to god babe i will love you
CodeTamer Python
- I swear to god babe i will love you too
- I swear to god babe i will love you two
- I swear to god babe i will love you babe babe too