- 源程序是银行综合业务平台中基本业务里的其中几个子业务的c语言的源码--C language codes, which includes some sub services of basic services in bank synthesis service platform
- A short-time analysis-synthesis system for speech is developed in MATLAB using the Filter Bank Summation (FBS) method. Provision for different sampling rates at analysis and synthesis means rate change can be carried out.
- hybrid filter bank with digital synthesis filter. the main aim is to minimize the gain produced in the error system.
- 物资管理系统是一般工业、商业企业生产管理环节中重要的一个环节,物资入库的时候首先要登记物资的基本信息,包括物资的种类,名称,型号,单位,单价等;出库时,需要登记出库物资的信息,包括物资基本信息,出库地点,出库人,经办人,出库数量等;根据物资的入库,出库过程的综合,得到各种物资的余额信息,能够对所剩物资有充分的了解,有利于工作的顺利进行。-Material management system for general industrial, commercial production managem
- 正交镜像滤波器的设计,从正交镜像滤波器的远离出发设计,而且从结果中观察其相位和幅度。- Design a two-channel QMF filter bank The four filters in the filter bank are based on a lowpass prototype H(z) which is designed by this procedure. The analysis filters are HL(z) and HH(z) and the
- MATLAB iMPLEMENTATiON OF A MULTiRATE FiLTER BANK, Analysis Filter Bank and Synthesis Filter Bank.
- WFB2DEC 2-D Wavelet Filter Bank Decomposition y = wfb2dec(x, h, g) Input: x: input image h, g: lowpass analysis and synthesis wavelet filters Output: x_LL, x_LH, x_HL, x_HH: Four 2-D wavelet subbands Make sure filt
- 完全重构以及近似完全重构滤波器组设计程序。 -The goal is to design M analysis and synthesis FIR filters so that the analysis filters satisfy some frequency specifications and the filter bank(almost) meets the perfect reconstruction (PR) conditions. The algorithm can
- 此代码是语音信号处理中使用短时综合的滤波器组相加法进行语音的合成。-This code is speech signal processing is performed using synthesized speech synthesis filter bank short-sum method.
- 短时综合的滤波器组相加法的matlab程序的实现,使用的是先调制后滤波的方法-Synthesis filter bank to achieve short-sum method matlab program, using a filter after the first modulation method
- 短时综合的滤波器组相加法的MATLAB程序实现-Short synthesis filter bank and adding MATLAB program to achieve
- 无心宠物是一款php编写的,针对Discuz!的论坛插件,算是最经典的论坛在线游戏之一了。其中包含:宠物中心、宠物银行、转生所、宠物列表、我的宠物、物品合成、系统记录、宠物家族、事务所、魔武学院、宠物任务、竞技场、道具店、交易中心、野战。 ? ?? ? 系统完整,功能完整,BUG都修正了,可以正常进行游戏,每个功能都能正常使用。(Unintentional pets are written by PHP, and Discuz Forum Forum is one of the most