- t provides a simple method of accessing an MP3 s ID3 tag (artist, title, album...) as well as several details concerning the MP3 data itself--the length of the song, the MPEG encoding type, bit rate, sample rate, channel mode, etc.
- 100% Java: ID3 tag, Exif, JPEG, TIFF, MP3, MP4, lossless editor/viewer/player/organizer. All Internet protocols publishing. A separate Jpeg manipulation library. Full iPod support - smart playlist, artwork, video. RAW is about to add. -100% Java :
- UltraID3Lib MP3 ID3 Tag Editor and MPEG Info Reader Library
- Advanced MP3 Converter 能够直接将(批量进行)WAV、MP3、WMA、OGG、APE、MPC、AAC、Flac、Ofr、Spx、Wv 文件格式转换为 WAV、MP3、WMA、OGG、APE 格式而无需生成过渡文件,并自动产生播放清单;能在转换时自动规范化音量,可用以烧录自己的高品质 CD;内置有小巧而功能俱全的播放器(播放清单、均衡器一个都不少);可查看文件信息;查看并编辑 MP3 id3 v1/v2 标记、APE 标记、WMA 标记。界面简洁、美观,支持拖放操作;可更换外
- 获取mp3信息, Xing header, ID3 tag, APE tag, VBR header-Mp3 to obtain information, Xing header, ID3 tag, APE tag, VBR header
- 它的功能是获取MP3媒体文件的ID3 Tag(即:附加信息。是保存着歌曲的演唱家、歌曲名...等信息的标记)。-Its function is to obtain the MP3 media files ID3 Tag (ie: additional information. Is to preserve the songs of the singer, song name ... such as the tag information).
- delphi操作MP3文件:从mp3文件中读出ID3-Tag-MP3 files delphi operation: read from the mp3 files ID3-Tag
- A simple wrapper class for the libid3tag to retrieve id3 tag information from a given MP3 file.
- vb编写的获取mp3 id3标记和修改id3标记的代码,此外还可以播放mp3音乐-vb prepared to get the id3 mp3 tag and modify id3 tag code, in addition, can also play mp3 music
- 研究MP3的结构,就不能不研究ID3标签。ID3标签是MP3音乐档案中的歌曲附加讯息,它能够在MP3中附加曲子的演出者、作者以及其它类别资讯,方便众多乐曲的管理。缺少ID3标签并不会影响 MP3的播放,但若没有的话,管理音乐文件也会相当的麻烦。如果你在网上download MP3,里面多半已经写有预设的ID3讯息。ID3,一般是位于一个mp3文件的开头或末尾的若干字节内,附加了关于该mp3的歌手,标题,专辑名称,年代,风格等信息,该信息就被称为ID3信息-The structure of the
- mp3编辑. . 或者说id3标签编辑器,允许你编辑的名字/作者/类型/专辑/评论/ etc,演示了基本的文件i / o -列表框,编辑框,静态文本控件等-mp3 editor .. or id3 tag editor that allows you to edit the name/author/type/album/comments/etc, demonstrates the basic file i/o- list boxes, edit boxes, static text contro
- 代码识别重复的MP3的基于ID3标签信息。初学者可下载做参考。-Code identifies duplicate MP3 ID3 tag information based. Beginners can be downloaded for reference.
- ID3 mp3 tag image injecte in mp3 folder récursive image convert and resize using for msc2008 select forlder of mp3 album put image in each folder my verson 2
idv3 mp3 tag read functions lib
- functions can be used to read id3 metadata from mp3 file
- Music Mp3 Edit and Read Tag -ID3 Tag v1
- t provides a simple method of accessing an MP3 s ID3 tag-T provides a simple method of accessing the an MP3 ID3 tag s
- t provides a simple method of accessing an MP3 s ID3 tag-T provides a simple method of accessing the an MP3 ID3 tag s
- t provides a simple method of accessing an MP3 s ID3 tag-T provides a simple method of accessing the an MP3 ID3 tag s
- t provides a simple method of accessing an MP3 s ID3 tag(T provides a simple method of accessing the an MP3 ID3 tag s)
- c++语言做的MP3的ID3读取软件,转载于CSDN论坛,原链接:http://download.csdn.net/download/zhanghui0579/1333242(C++ language MP3 ID3 read software, reproduced in the CSDN forum, the original link:http://download.csdn.net/download/zhanghui0579/1333242)