- 不依赖于文本的说话人识别研究及其应用.pdf-is not dependent on the text of the speech recognition research and application. Pdf
- 2D/3D Scene Graph rendering engine for Linux/Unix/Win32 layered atop OpenGL. Supports stereoscopy, volume rendering, 2D/3D texture mapping, picking, LOD and view-dependent operations, cross-platform text, constant-rate rendering and image-based data.
brew window manager
- Objective This topic describes how to create a windowed application that will share the display with other applications. Requirements Brew® MP windowed applications need to be written differently than traditional Brew MP applications.
- hidden markove modeling for text dependent speaker recognition
- pring.core 库是框架的基础, 提供依赖注入功能。spring.net中大多数类库依赖或扩展了spring.core的功能。iobjectfactory接口提供了一个简单而优雅的工厂模式,移除了对单例和一些服务定位stub写程序的必要。允许你将真正的程序逻辑的配置和依赖的详细情况解耦。作为对iobjectfactory 的扩展,iapplicationcontext接口也在spring.core库中,并且添加了许多企业应用为中心的功能,例如利用资源文件进行文本本地化、事件传播、资源加载等
- lpc training model to recognition the text dependent recogntion system.
- BioSec Multimodal Biometric Database in Text-Dependent Speaker Recognition
- The Wavelet and Fourier Transforms in Feature Extraction for Text- Dependent, Filterbank-Based Speaker Recognition
- Finally, probability analysis, based on the chosen database, is performed and judgment whether the person is recognized is pronounced. Two different modeling techniques can be suggested for purposes of person identification or verification. The
Conditioning and A New Database for Text- Dependent Speaker Recognition Research
- Text Dependent (TD) Speaker Recognition systems assume that the password to be uttered by the speaker is known to the system. As the password is known, the system can apply a password-specific model capturing the speaker dynamics well. This enables T
- Text Dependent (TD) Speaker Recognition systems assume that the password to be uttered by the speaker is known to the system. As the password is known, the system can apply a password-specific model capturing the speaker dynamics well. This enables T
- In this work, the Mel frequency Cepstrum Coefficient (MFCC) feature has been used for designing a text dependent speaker identification system. The extracted speech features (MFCC’s) of a speaker are quantized to a number of centroids using v
- HanLP是一个致力于向生产环境普及NLP技术的开源Java工具包,支持中文分词(N-最短路分词、CRF分词、索引分词、用户自定义词典、词性标注),命名实体识别(中国人名、音译人名、日本人名、地名、实体机构名识别),关键词提取,自动摘要,短语提取,拼音转换,简繁转换,文本推荐,依存句法分析(MaxEnt依存句法分析、神经网络依存句法分析)。-HanLP is a dedicated to popularize NLP technology to production environment of
- 这是一个Android文本输入框的特效源码,demo提供了炫目的文本飞入效果,源码目前只能使用Android studio来实现,可以直接以依赖方式导入项目。-翻译 这是一个Android文本输入框的特效源码,demo提供了炫目的文本飞入效果,源码目前只能使用Android studio来实现,可以直接以依赖方式导入项目。 This is an Android Open Source text input box effects, demo provides a compellin
- 乐分享是一个开源新浪微博Android客户端。 目前支持发布文字、图片、拍照等功能。功能简单,源代码开放,供各位Android开发爱好者学习、完善。 依赖项目: 1、新浪微博Api; 2、创新工厂友盟统计服务。-Music sharing is an open source micro-blog Sina Android client. Currently supports the release of text, pictures, pictures and other funct
- present a Bayesian classification approach for automatic text categorization using class-specific features. Unlike the conventional approaches for text categorization, our proposed method selects a specific feature subset for each class. To apply