ADC dynamic parameter calculator
- Matlab code,Input sine file of ADC output file,the program can calculator SNR,THD,SFDR,SINAD parameters of ADC.
- 用matlab对ADC的输出进行fft分析,得到需要的SNDR、THD、SFDR、ENOB等信息。-With matlab fft of the output of ADC analysis, required SNDR, THD, SFDR, ENOB, and more.
- 通用高速ADC动态性能测试MATLAB code,包括SNR,SINAD,ENOB,THD,SFDR,并绘制频域幅值曲线-MATLAB code for high speed ADC dynamic specific tests, including SNR, SINAD, ENOB,THD,SFDR,and so on.
- 可计算任意波形THD的小工具,非常方便;修改其输入波形即可得出结果-A tool for calculate THD
- This matlab simulink svpwm model just copy and paste it in work and simulate.this is powerful modulation technique to reduce harmonics.the THD compared to other modulation techniques is also low .This technique includes analysis of sectors and determ
- 由ADC的数字输出计算SFDR,THD,可以计算ENOB,并找出各次谐波-Calculated from the ADC' s digital output SFDR, THD, can calculate ENOB, and to identify the various sub-harmonic
- SVPWM的实现,调试通过.对输入波形的跟踪非常精确,THD小于0.2 .本来作为APF中替代滞环比较用的.-SVPWM implementation, debugging through. On the input waveform of the tracking is very accurate, THD less than 0.2 . Have been replaced as the APF Hysteresis in use.
- matlab fft多周期各采样点在电力电子上的谐波分析,采样频率2000,总采样点数1320,通过输入数据文档txt文件名,实现绘图及THD分析-matlab fft multi-cycle of each sampling point on the harmonic analysis in power electronics, the sampling frequency of 2000, the total number of samples 1320, the txt file name
- MATLAB下FFT变换实用2个例子,可以进行绘制fft波形及计算THD-The MATLAB FFT transform practical two examples can draw the fft waveforms and calculate THD
- (本科生课程设计)主要实现的功能是设计一个恒压恒频正弦波逆变电源,具体参数如下:单相交流输入220V/50Hz,输出单相交流电压110V/50Hz,THD<5 ,负载为一般的阻感负载,功率1500W。利用matlab中simulink实现仿真功能。-The main functions of the (undergraduate curriculum design) is designing a constant voltage constant frequency sine wave i
- Full bridge converter measure THD it work on MATLAB 2013a simulink simpower-system
- This paper deals with the design and implementation of a multilevel voltage source converter based static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) employing an effective modulation control technique simulated in a MATLAB Simulink environment. The ma
- 以Excel表格保存下来的的交流电压电流波形的离散数据(这些数据从示波器中导出来),本matlab程序可以进行FFT分析,分析电压和电流谐波含量,THD大小。注意,每次只能分析一组数据。-Excel matlab FFT
Effective Loss Reduction Analysis
- An switched capacitor multi-level inverter gives higher voltages than the input dc voltage with help of seriesparallel conversion operation. In this paper we are finding out from the various methods of multi-level inverters to reduce total harmonic d
- matlab开发的ADC工具,计算SNR和THD等参数。支持逻辑分析仪原始数据导入,-MATLAB tool developed by ADB, calculate SNR/THD and other parameters. Support logic analyzer to calculate the raw data import. Communications Test and Verification
- The active power filters have gained much more attention because of its excellent performance to mitigate the harmonic and reactive power issues. A shunt active power filter with Instantaneous active and reactive power theory (P-Q theory) has been pr
- This paper presents a fuzzy logic algorithm to control DC-bus voltage of a shunt active power filter (APF). This work is done to illustrate the Performance and robustness of current Identification references by calculating the harmonics (THD) res
- 可用于测量ADC的信噪比SNR,信纳比SINAD,无杂散动态范围SFDR,总谐波失真THD,得到频谱图及时域图的MATLAB作图,ADC测试方法是fft法(The following program code plots the FFT spectrum of a desired test tone. Test tone based on coherent sampling criteria, and computes SNR, SINAD, THD and SFDR.)
- 单相逆变器仿真,MATLABR2016B工程文件,THD小于1%,电压电流双闭环控制,并且加入了负载扰动,控制效果良好(Simulations of single-phase inverters show that the THD of MATLAB R2016B project file is less than 1%. Double closed-loop control of voltage and current is adopted, and load disturbance is a