- 这是一个采用C++编写的、采用回溯法编写的骑士周游(马周游)遍历棋盘(8*8)的程序。本软件采用MFC编写,用户可看到骑士动态遍历棋盘的过程。-This is a written in C++ using backtracking written knight tour (horse travel) through the board (8* 8) program. The software is written using MFC, you can see the board through
- 递归算法的实例--以骑士巡游为例做的控制台程序。主要设计到了递归回溯算法-Examples of recursive algorithms- to Knight-tour of the console to do the procedure as an example. The main design to a recursive backtracking algorithm
- 2、 写出6×6方阵的骑士周游的解。要求骑士的起跳位置是任意指定的。编制非递归程序,求出马的行走路线,并按求出的行走路线,将数字依次填入6×6的方阵中,并输出。 (骑士周游:从起始位置出发,按国际象棋马的走法,不重复地将所有区域恰好走一遍。) -2, write a 6 × 6 square Cavalier travel solution. Requirements of the take-off position Cavalier arbitrary specified. The p
- 本代码是实现了马的周游路线,对于所有的初始点都可以找出所有不同的周游路线。-This code is to achieve a horse around the line, for all the initial points can be found in all the different routes of travel.
- 此代码解决了骑士巡游问题,希望对大家有用,有兴趣的看下!-This code solved the problem of Knight-tour, I hope useful for all of us, are interested in facie!
- 骑士巡游问题的解决,设计比较简单,但能够体现算法思想,推广用-Knight-tour problem, the design is relatively simple, but the algorithm can reflect the ideas, the promotion of use
- it is the famous Knight tour algorithm. written in c++. enjoy it.
- 改进了骑士巡游算法,速度更快,使用了权值的思路-Knight-tour algorithm improved, faster, and the idea of using the weight
- Java源代码案例--骑士巡游问题 展示了一个KT(Knight’s Tour)小程序, 用来演示一个限制版的骑士巡游问题。 骑士并不是从任何一个方格开始, 而是从角落上的四个方格之一开始。 附有详细的源码及讲解。-Java Source Code Case- knight tour problem shows a KT (Knight' s Tour) a small program used to demonstrate a restricted version of the
- Java源代码案例-骑士巡游问题 本文展示了一个KT(Knight s Tour)小程序, 用来演示一个限制版的骑士巡游问题。 骑士并不是从任何一个方格开始, 而是从角落上的四个方格之一开始-Java Source Code Examples- Knight Parade problem This paper presents a KT (Knight' s Tour) small program used to demonstrate a restricted versio
- 用C语言实现著名的骑士巡游问题(用数据结构中的图实现)。-Famous knight tour problem with C language (using the data structure in Figure).
- 骑士巡游游戏,程序给出了实现方法,使骑士总是移向具有最少出口且没有到达过的方格之一-The Knight Parade game program given the ways in which Knight always move to one of the least export and did not reach the checkered
- 使用回溯法解决的典型问题的算法:骑士巡游问题,n皇后问题,0-1背包问题。 使用递归与分治策略解决的几个问题的算法:Hanoi塔问题和二分搜索技术。-Uses backtracking method to solve the problems of the typical algorithms: the knight tour problem, n queen problem, 0-1 knapsack problem. Recursion and divide and conq
- 骑士旅游问题是经典的问题,本代码用简单的C实现这一问题。-Knight Tour problem is a classic problem, the code with a simple C implementation of this problem.
- 骑士旅游(Knight tour)在十八世纪初倍受数学家与拼图迷的注意,它什么时候被提出已不可考,骑士的走法为西洋棋的走法,骑士可以由任一个位置出发,它要如何走完所有的位置?-Knight Tours (Knight tour) in the early eighteenth century mathematician and puzzle fans much attention when it was proposed not be traced, chess knight moves to
- 本代码是实现了马的周游路线,对于所有的初始点都可以找出所有不同的周游路线。-This code is to achieve a horse around the line, for all the initial points can be found in all the different routes of travel.
- 在一个N*N的棋盘上指点任意一点的坐标,以马走日的方式走完整个棋盘且没有重复,试分别用DFS、BFS方法求解并输出全部可能的路径。-knight tour problem solved by the method of BFS and DFS.
- Generic implementation for the knight tour
- 实现寻找马的周游问题n*n规模的分治法解(Find solution of the Knight tour problem in size of n*n by means of divide and conquer)
- 一个小算法,实现了骑士周游,主要使用了动态规划法,运行速度也快。(A small algorithm to achieve the Knight Tour, the main use of dynamic programming method, the speed is also fast.)