- 《精通MATLAB7.0混合编程》系统地介绍MATLAB 7.0的混合编程方法和技巧。全书共分为13章。第1章和第2章介绍MATLAB的基础知识,第3章简要介绍MATLAB混合编程,第4章至第9章分别介绍几种典型的混合编程方法,包括C-MEX、MATLAB引擎、MAT数据文件共享、Mideva、Matrix和Add-in。第10章、第11章介绍MATLAB与Delphi和Excel的混合编程。第12章介绍MATLAB COM Builder,第13章以图像处理为例介绍了一个综合应用实例。
- 本书基于MATLAB 5.2版,提供了使用MATLAB的实践性指导。MATLAB已成为适合多学科、多种工作平台的功能强大、界面友好、语言自然并且开放性强的大型优秀应用软件,同时也已成为国内外高等院校高等数学、数值分析、数字信号处理、自动控制理论以及工程应用等课程的基本教学工具。本书按逻辑编排,自始至终用实例描述;内容完整且每章相对独立;是一本简明的MATLAB参考书,既适用于初学者,也适用于高级MATLAB用户。对MATLAB与FORTRAN、C等语言结合的描述更是所有MATLAB书籍中少有的一
- 用20个示例项目的方式介绍Matlab/Simulink。内容包括: *Contains over 20 hands-on projects in MATLAB(with code) integrated throughout the book *Includes a complete introduction to Simulink *Accompanied by a CD-ROM containing MATLAB examples, source code, third party s
- The VLFeat open source library implements popular computer vision algorithms including SIFT, MSER, k-means, hierarchical k-means, agglomerative information bottleneck, and quick shift. It is written in C for efficiency and compatibility, with interfa
- MATLAB作为一种智能化高级语言,集公式演算推异与数值计算于一体,兼有出色的图形处理和数据分析功能,作为多领域的应用软件,MATLAB的工具箱对相关学科的各处基本技术都采用了当今最先进的算法。本书共分7章,先简要介绍了MATLAB的安装及启动后,较为详细地介绍了MATLAB的基础知识,深入浅出地分析了MARLAB的符号运算功能以及绘图功能,并提供了大量的实例,便于读者自学。 -MATLAB as an intelligent high-level language, set up differ
- You can plot your own T,s h,s or log p,h-Diagrams of water in MATLAB with the function thermo_diagram_plot.m. Only SI-Units are supported The function is a product of a project at our school to help students understand these diagrams more d
- 里边附有100多个运用MATLAB进行图像处理的程序,包括图像显示,图像恢复,图像变换,图像压缩,图像重建,图像分割等贯穿图像处理各个方面,共100多个程序-Inside, with more than 100 image processing using MATLAB procedures, including image display, image restoration, image transformation, image compression, image reconstruct
- 关于解微分方程的matlab小程序,适合本科生学习使用。-MATLAB in Physics is a four lecture series in MATLAB that is offered to first year physics undergraduate students. This lecture shows how to use MATLAB to simulate physical systems using a range of methods. Projecti
- 一个用fortran90写成的BVP(ODE)的求解器,作者是写matlab函数bvp4c的作者。原理差不多。不过这个版本是用f90写的,运算速度更快。本包内含如何运这些程序的论文及算例,很好上手。-In the declarations part of this module, we first define the BVP_SOL type, which represents the numerical solution. We next define the interface BVP_I
- 本文提出一种联合盲自适应梯度算法的功率控制算法,该算法同时对功率向量和接收滤波器权向量进行迭代更新。仿真结果表明,采用本文提出 的功率控制算法, 在系统内用户发射总功率一定的条件下, 可以获得更高的用户信干比和更大的系统容量。-Throughout the monograph, we highlight the use of mathematical language and tools in the study of power control, including optimiza
- 现代通信系统第二版 的整个书得源代码,很全的代码,希望对同学有帮助-The second edition of modern communication systems have the source code throughout the book
- MATLAB的应用可以遍及通信,信号处理等等,而MATLAB相关函数、命令则更是重要无比,掌握这些命令,对于我们学好MATLAB大有裨益。-MATLAB applications can throughout the communication, signal processing, etc., while the correlation function of MATLAB, the command is even more extremely important to master thes
- 本课件按逻辑编排,自始至终用实例描述;内容完整且每章相对独立;既适用于初学者,也适用于高级MATLAB用户。对MATLAB与FORTRAN、C等语言结合的描述更是一大特色。 本课件适合作为理工科高等院校研究生、本科生教学用,也可作为广大科研工程技术人员的自学。-The courseware is organized in a logical, throughout examples described complete and relatively independent of each ch
- 详细讲述模拟退火算法的理论原理。并TSP问题为例进行讲解,,并各处多种语言的源代码,包括c,matlab和delphi。 -Describe in detail the theoretical principles of the simulated annealing algorithm. And the TSP as an example to explain, and throughout the source code in multiple languages, including
ELEC - 733 Real Time Computing
- Examines the implementation of modern control techniques and associated instrumentation, using distributed computers. Practical hardware aspects, including measurement and actuation, data conditioning, acquisition and transmission, microprocessor de
An Introduction to MATLAB
- Because programming has become an essential component of engineering, medicine, media, business, finance, and many other fields, it is important for engineers and practitioners to have a basic foundation in programming to be competitive. This book
- 本书以单元练习的形式,从MATLAB最基本的问题入手,循序渐进,逐渐过渡到较为复杂的数学问题、信号分析问题、力学问题和电学问题的求解,将MATLAB的学习贯穿在解决不同领域实际问题的过程当中。每一个练习都结合问题,介绍与之相关的MATLAB使用知识。全书50个练习基本上涵盖了MATLAB的主要功能。本书不仅是一本初学者可以用来入门的教程,而且对于专业设计人员来说,也是一本内容翔实、可供借鉴的参考(This book in the unit practice form, from the most
- Another way to represent a polynomial is to use the Laplace variable s within MATLAB. This method is mainly used throughout these tutorials. Let's ignore the details of the Laplace domain for now and just represent polynomials with the s variable. To
- Another way to represent a polynomial is to use the Laplace variable s within MATLAB. This method is mainly used throughout these tutorials. Let's ignore the details of the Laplace domain for now and just represent polynomials with the s variable. To
matlab seawater
- 根据海水的速度 密度 温度 盐度等计算海洋各处的压力数值 (Speed according to the density of seawater temperature and salinity values calculated pressure throughout the ocean)