chap1_5 贝叶斯抠图
- 贝叶斯抠图,依次打开原图和trimap图,点抠图即可运行。绝对能够运行,另外就是有些调试信息没有去除,大家运行时不用理就行。再鄙视那些上传源码不完整的,浪费人感情!-Bayesian matting, and then click open the original image and the diagram, point matting to run. Definitely be able to run, the other is not some place debugging inform
- This is a paper discribing a fast matting method. It uses a large kernal matting laplacian. A KD-Tree trimap segmentation is also used to decide the size of the kernal.
- 一个鲁棒 matting 的程序,可生成trimap,可手动画出前景,背景,trimap,提取图像-A robust matting program can generate trimap, you can manually draw the foreground, background, trimap, extract images
- 按照这个要求,对前面进行取样得到数据进行处理,并记录下使上式最小的那一对组合,就初步确定了最佳的取样点。 其实,这个时候我们也就可以初步获得处理后的α值了,比如对于我们前面所说的Trimap,其原始图像及经过sample和gather处理后的结果如下图:(We are interested in a general alpha matting approach for the simultaneous extraction of multiple image layers; ea
- 抠图算法,输入原始图片和trimap图片,即可对图片进行前后景分离,进而完成抠图的任务。(image matting algorithm)
- 可自动生成trimap图,无需手动添加标记(Trimap graph can be generated automatically without manually adding markup)
- 图像和视频抠图(Matting)技术可以分成自动和半自动;根据背景的先验知识,又有蓝屏背景,已知背景,和自然背景扣图。报告介绍了自然背景下的半自动扣图,以及能获得类似结果的技术,如Snapping。其中我实现了Bayesian Matting。(generate trimap automaticly,reduce human work.)