- 压缩包里包含有JX44B0教学实验系统用户手册及该系统的全套试验例程,用c编写,在ADT环境下编译后下载到 实验板即可执行,是学习arm开发的有用例程 源文件说明 Leddemo LED显示实验 Led LED 显示实验 Serial 串口实验 Interrupt 外部中断实验 Dma DMA实验 Pwm PWM实验 Rtc 实时时钟实验 Watchdog 看门狗实验 Ad AD 采样实验 St
- uCOS-II移植到msp430f1611单片机中,uCOS-II在性价比极高的单片机使用,任您发挥。此例包含了PS2,拼音输入法,12864,nRF24L01,I2C总线,SPI总线等许多驱动,您只要使用API即可。创建了几个任务,您可在任务里任意发挥。另外,您可修改MCU头文件在msp430f149、f169等中使用,但任务堆栈需减小。-uCOS-II ported to msp430f1611 microcontroller, uCOS-II in highly cost-effectiv
- 基于ARM9 S3C2410下ucos-II的CAN总线驱动函数,需要正确设置ADS1.2下的配置否则无法编译通过,配置ADS1.2的文章网上有很多,参考下就可以了。-ARM9 S3C2410 based ucos-II under the CAN bus driver function, the need for the correct configuration settings of ADS1.2 otherwise it is impossible to compile through
- 本程序代码是在IAR环境中运行,核心芯片是LPC2103,LPC2103支持两个IIC总线接口,IIC总线接口可以用来传输数据,更可以用来保存上次掉电时的数据。-This code is in the IAR environment, the core chip LPC2103, LPC2103 supports two IIC bus interface, IIC bus interface can be used to transfer data, but also can be used
- 对繁易智能液晶屏进行控制,主控芯片Freescale 9212XEP100,基于RS232的modbus总线协议,在ucos-ii下运行,将接收的CAN信号转换成液晶屏的显示量。-a control program for FLEXM intelligent LCD system, the control core is 9S12XEP100 freescale. this program run at ucos-ii OS whose aim is to translate can mess
STM32-LED-SD-SPI-32x32x4-center - BUS
- 车载广告显示程序 1、多条广告信息显示 2、广告字体可自行设置 3、被劫报警求助信息显示功能 4、STM32下的UCOS-II系统任务级(Mobile advertising display program 1, more than 2 advertising, advertising information display fonts can be set 3, robbed alarm information display function of UCOS-II system under