
搜索资源 - vertex cover graph
二分图是一个无向图,它的n 个顶点可二分为集合A和集合B,且同一集合中的任意两个顶点在图中无边相连(即任何一条边都是一个顶点在集合A中,另一个在集合B中)。当且仅当B中的每个顶点至少与A中一个顶点相连时,A的一个子集A 覆盖集合B(或简单地说,A 是一个覆盖)。覆盖A 的大小即为A 中的顶点数目。当且仅当A 是覆盖B的子集中最小的时,A 为最小覆盖。-two hours map is an undirected graph, it n vertices can be divided into t
给定一个赋权无向图G=(V,E),每个定点v∈U都有一个权值w(v)。如果U V,且对任意(u,v)∈E有u∈U或v∈U,就称U为图G的一个定点覆盖。G的最小权顶点覆盖是指G中所含顶点权之和最小的顶点覆盖。-Empowering given a undirected graph G = (V, E), each point v ∈ U has a weight w (v). If the UV, and for any (u, v) ∈ E there is u ∈ U or v ∈ U, on
This project discusses different techniques and algorithms used to solve the parameterized Vertex Cover problem. A vertex cover of a graph G(V,E) is a subset of vertices V such that for every edge (u, v) ⊆ E, at least one of the vertices u or v
Very good collection of c++ source code. Implementation of diffrents alghoritms in graph theory, such as floyd,fulkerson. dijkstra,warshall, binary tree,map coloring,vertex cover.
Blue and Red 图论相关问题,标准最小点覆盖集 最小点覆盖 具体集合 -Blue and Red graph related problems, the standard set of minimum vertex cover specific set of minimum vertex cover
对matlab解决图论问题的算法做个汇总。主要包括:顶点覆盖近似算法、哈密尔顿回路、最大流和最小截、最短路和次短路、最小生成树Prim算法、最短路径等等。由于太多就不一一列举了。-Matlab to solve the problem of graph theory algorithms to be aggregated. Include: vertex cover approximation algorithm, Hamilton circuit, the maximum flow and m
顶点覆盖问题。无向图G=(E,V),寻找V的一个最小子集V’,使得图中所有边至少有一个顶点在集合V’中。输出V’包含的顶点数。-Vertex cover problem. To Figure G = (E, V), find V, a minimal subset of V ' , makes all the edges in the graph at least one vertex in the set V' . Output V ' contains the number
在二分图中求最少的点,让每条边都至少和其中的一个点关联,这就是二分图的“最小顶点覆盖”。二分图的最小顶点覆盖数 =二分图的最大匹配数。-In seeking bipartite graph fewest points, so that each edge and at least one associated point, which is the bipartite graph of the minimum vertex cover. Bipartite graph of the mini