- 用matlab读取一幅图像,并且计算其图像信噪比,Using matlab to read an image and calculate the image SNR
- 用matlab编写的实现Lagrange插值函数和三次样条插值函数,输入值为x向量和对应的y向量,输出函数图像,matlab prepared with the realization of Lagrange interpolation function and cubic spline interpolation function, type the value of x vector and the corresponding y vector, the output function of
- 这个是自己写的。可以进行视频的分帧,读取,显示等操作,This is written in their own. Can be sub-frame video, read, display and other operations
- 用matlab进行视频读取的程序,并附有c语言程序,很有价值。,Using matlab to read the procedures for video, together with c language program, very valuable.
- 实现视频压缩功能,是最近比较新颖的压缩标准下的视频的图象压缩,video compression is a relatively new design is the recent video compression standard for image compression
- 本程序是利用matlab读取YUV视频数据,并播放视频。,This procedure is to use matlab to read YUV video data, and video.
- 已知两个不同图像块亮度数据如下: (1)分析DCT原理,采用DCT方法,编程并计算相应的DCT系数,分析系数分布特点。 (2)依据视觉特性分析量化表步长的分布特点,完成DCT系数量化。 (3)采用Z形扫描,实现输出数据的统计编码,形成video stream。 (4)采用IDCT重建图像亮度数据,计算SAD大小,分析产生误差的原因及采用DCT进行数据压缩的原理。( ) (5)分别利用左上角1、3、6个系数重建图像,计算相应的SAD,并由
- matalb 编写的一个从麦克风或者摄像头获取声音或者图像的程序,Real Time Microphone and Camera data acquisition and audio-video processing
- 本文对视频运动目标跟踪算法进行研究。在视频运动目标的提取中,介绍常用的图像差分算法、光流算法和主动轮廓模型算法。,In this paper, the video moving target tracking algorithm study. video moving target in the extraction, the introduction of images commonly used differential algorithm, optical flow algorithm a
- 基于阈值分割的运动车辆检测跟踪,在视频中按灰度阈值不同进行图像分割,并标记结果。,Threshold-based segmentation to track the movement of vehicles detected in the video by a different gray level threshold for image segmentation, and mark the results.
- 数字信号处理综合设计 利用windows下的录音机录制一段自己的话音,时间控制在1秒左右;并对语音信号进行采样,理解采样频率、采样位数等概念。-Digital signal processing integrated design Using Windows, making a video recorder under his voice, time control in 1 seconds And the voice signal sampling frequency sam
- matlab code to acquire a frame from video input device and find edges using canny algorithm
- matlab 上用的视频输入输出函数比mmread要好!-use matlab video input and output function mmread better than that!
matlab Image Processing
- 目标识别的matlab源码,有源代码和论文,有需要的可以下来看看。-The application of automatic target recognition technology is a critical element of robotic warfare. ATR systems are used in unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles. General Electric provides an Automatic Target
- 视频分割的matlab 程序,是用matlab开发的一个视频分割程序-matlab video segmentation procedures are developed using matlab a video segmentation process
- ) 使用分块的主成分分析方法(PCA)对人脸图像进行压缩编码。针对PCA方法计算量大的缺点,首先把问题转化成奇异值分解(SVD)问题,然后设计了特征空间的更新算法,通过递推,简化每一步计算的计算量,达到了实时编码的要求。 4) 在Windows平台下基于video for Windows(VFW)接口开发了人脸视频图像编码和解码的实验系统,该系统实现了图像采集、图像显示、编码、解码等功能。-) The use of sub-blocks of principal component analys
- 英文版的matlab视频图像处理讲解,全面介绍相关工具箱的使用方法-English version of the matlab video&image processing introduction and comprehensive introduction to the use of methods related to the toolbox.
实例4 matlab控制摄像头获取外界图像
- matlab经典案例系列视频,matlab控制摄像头获取外界图像(matlab classic case series video, matlab control camera to obtain external images)
Piotr's Image & video matlab Toolbox
- Piotr's Image & video matlab Toolbox:侧重物体识别(Piotr's Image & video matlab Toolbox:focus on object recognition)
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