Implementation of a WiMAX simulator in Simulink.zi
- The aim of this diploma thesis is to implement all compulsory features of the WiMAX OFDM physical layer specified in IEEE 802.16-2004 in Matlab Simulink.
- Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.16e in OFDM Physical layer.-Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.16e in OFDM Physical layer. a simulation model based on 802.16e OFDM-PHY baseband and demonstrated in different simulation scenarios with different mo
- the whole physical layer of wimax 802.16
- This package is for the evaluation of WiMAX/IEEE 802.16 OFDM Physical layer
- Scrambler matlab file is the first block in the WiMAX physical layer chain. Scrambler which receives digital data from MAC layer randomizes the information inorder to avoid long runs of zeros and ones.
- Interleaver is used in the physical layer of a wireless communication to combat the burst errors that are inherent in the wireless communication systems. WiMAX does tow level of interleaving.
- De-interleaver does the opposite to the interleaver put at the transmitter part. This includes two level of de-interleaving. WiMAX includes this interleaving in it physical layer.
- WiMAX Physical layer simulator in Matlab
- WiMAX Physical layer simulator in Matlab
- 设计一完整的移动通信系统物理层传输方案 (WiMAX场景): 试设计一完整的移动通信系统物理层传输方案并用MATLAB程序实现,要求满足以下指标: 1. 数据速率:5km/hr的移动速度下可实现60Mbps,同时在120km/hr的移动速度下可实现10Mbps,且Eb/No小于20dB时可实现误比特率Pe <= 10-4 2. 信号带宽为20MHz,工作在2GHz频带 3. 信道模型: COST207模型的6径瑞利信道(可参考程序 multipath_code.zip)
- thesis to implement all compulsory features of the WiMAX OFDM physical layer specified in IEEE 802.16-2004 in Matlab Simulink. Optional space-time coding for more than one transmit antenna is implemented to allow performance investigations in v