- 运行平台: LINUX/UNIX Macintosh Windows Server 2003 Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows CE Windows 9*/ME Windows NT MS-DOS-platforms : Linux / UNIX Macintosh Windows Server 2003 Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows CE Windows 9 * / ME Windows NT MS-DOS
- OpenPollution is an open distributed system based on CORBA providing air-pollution measurement, data mining and image processing. It uses C++ and Java languages. and supports heterogenous systems such as Linux, Windows, and Windows CE.
- JRed is a 100% Java implementation of the IrDA infrared communications protocols. JRed lets you beam objects from a PalmOS or Windows CE device to your Windows 95/98/NT or Linux PC.
- XiangQi Wizard (Chinese Chess Wizard) is a powerful XiangQi (chinese chess) program, which supports UCCI engines. XQWizard Light is the Mobile version for Windows CE and Java ME. ElephantEye is the UCCI engine in XQWizard with strong AI.,XiangQi Wiza
- java模拟器,windows ce 6.0用的。。。。。。。,java simulator,with ce 6
- RFID application(UIAgent reader) on windows CE
- Multilizer 2007 Enterprise - a powerful program designed for transfer programs. Understand the immense number of formats, can distinguish between the type of programming language used in the program. It is possible to edit files for different OS plat
- This a demonstration of eRCP Framework on Windows CE using the SWT GUI-Framework. It shows how to use eRCP and Java on embedded systems like handhelds and palmtops or mobile phones.-This is a demonstration of eRCP Framework on Windows CE using the SW
- ZeroC ICE 是指ZeroC公司的ICE(Internet Communications Engine)中件间平台。对于客户端和服务端程序的开发提供了很大的便利。 目前ICE平台中包括Ice,Ice-E,Ice Touch。 Ice为主流平台设计,包括Windows和Linux,支持广泛的语言,包括C++,Java,C#(和其他.Net的语言,例如Visual Basic),Python,Ruby,PHP和Actionscr ipt。也包括所有的ICE服务,例如Ice Gr
- HOOK汇编 反汇编 CALL CE 易语言 结合的 C++ java(assembly; assembler; collection; compile; collect and edit combine; unite; marry; be united in wedlock; coalescent)