- 仿Windows的自带计算器,大家可以看看,是一家公司的笔试题-own imitation of the Windows calculator, we can see, is a test of T! !
- Windows下DNS ID欺骗的原理与实现在DNS数据报头部的id(标识)是用来匹配响应和请求数据报的。现在,让我们来看看域名解析的整个过程。客户端首先以特定的标识向DNS服务器发送域名查询数据报,在DNS服务器查询之后以相同的ID号给客户端发送域名响应数据报。这时客户端会将收到的DNS响应数据报的ID和自己发送的查询数据报ID相比较,如果匹配则表明接收到的正是自己等待的数据报,如果不匹配则丢弃之。 假如我们能够伪装DNS服务器提前向客户端发送响应数据报,那么客户端的DNS缓存里域
windows api
- a lot of information haha it's worth downloading,don't believe me
- Hid Led Tester is a simple USB(interrupt mode)device tester package. There are firmware and software in it. Hid Led tester follows USB HID protocol, we don’t need to install driver for the device, and Windows (Win 2000 and later) will install the dev
- WIN-TC是一个TC2 WINDOWS平台开发工具。该软件使用TC2为内核,提供WINDOWS平台的开发界面,因此也就支持WINDOWS平台下的功能,例如剪切、复制、粘贴和查找替换等。而且在功能上也有它的独特特色例如语法加亮、C内嵌汇编、自定义扩展库的支持等。并提供一组相关辅助工具令你在编程过程中更加游刃有余,如虎添翼。 WIN-TC简繁双语版可以正常运行于98及其以上的简体及繁体WINDOWS操作系统上 好的编译工具好-WIN-TC is a TC2
- windows窗体计算器,可实现普通计算,附带注册和登陆功能!-windows form calculator, ordinary calculation can be realized, with registration and landing function!
- Bochs is a highly portable open source IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS. Currently, Bochs can be compiled to emulate a
- 概述 ● 全速设备接口,兼容 USB V2.0,外围元器件只需要晶体和电容。 ● 可选:通过外部的低成本串行EEPROM 定义厂商 ID、产品 ID、序列号等。 ● 支持5V电源电压和3.3V电源电压。 ● 低成本,直接转换原串口外围设备、原并口打印机、原并口外围设备。 ● 采用SOP-28封装,串口应用还提供小型的 SSOP-20 封装。 ● 由于是通过USB转换的接口,所以只能做到应用层兼容,而无法绝对相同。 -Say all ● The full s
- detailed memory test for embedded systems, checks for shorted address/data lines t-detailed memory test for embedded systems, checks for shorted address/data lines too
- hde32 is a small disassembler engine, intended for analysis of x86-32 code. It gets length of command, prefixes, ModR/M, SIB, opcode, etc. For example, you can use hde32 when writing unpackers of executables, viruses, because most other disassemblers
- 安装JDK 从java.sun.com/">http://java.sun.com/下载jdk-1_5_0_04-windows-i586-p.exe 安装到指定路径,我选择D:jdk1.5.0 配置环境变量: JAVA_HOME: D:jdk1.5.0 PATH: D:jdk1.5.0 in CLASSPATH: . D:jdk1.5.0lib ools.jar D:jdk1.5.0jrelib t.jar -Install JDK from
- 简单计算器的实现,适合c#初学者练习参考使用,Windows 应用程序。-The realization of a simple calculator, suitable for beginners c# reference to the use of exercises, Windows applications.
- Information about Windows kernel..and rootkits. Original Title: Rootkits: Subverting the Windows Kernel By Greg Hoglund, James Butler
- Stitches together png images vertically (like TrentStitch) - mainly to make my life easier when making knobs for vst plugins. I ve only tested it with 32 bit images though (i.e. 24 bit colour, 8 bit alpha) - There s a good chance it ll fail mis
- Windows FAQ Common Controls FAQ The contents of this documents have been adapted from the Microsoft documentation. The motivation is that the current win32.hlp file doesn’t reflect the enormous changes that has undergone the common controls A
- 本程序为一款基于Windows SDK/DDK开发环境的系统信息监视工具。-monitoring system information tool source code, Write by Windows SDK/DDK.
- 透明窗体,可一始终悬浮在窗口上,背景可一是视频或图象等,也就是窗口的分层-trans windows
- windows 虚拟USB驱动源代码 这个给驱动编程程序员一个很好的提示。-Virtual USB driver source code windows
Windows SSO with JBoss Seam
- Unified authentication has been one of the frequently asked functionality for quite some time now. Users have to remember username/password for various systems or having to login for each system while all those systems are part of the same intranet a
- 提取Windows聚焦锁屏壁纸 BATCH语言源文件 壁纸提取到 C:\Users\(当前用户)\Pictures\WindowsLockscreenPhoto 部分无法显示的图片可以把后缀改为 .jpg(Extraction of Windows focus lock screen wallpaper BATCH source file The wallpaper is extracted to C:\Users\ (current user) \Pictures\WindowsLoc