- Zigbee技术实践教程-第四章例子 包含:LCD ADC、串口、定时器等等例子,刚接触cc2430不错的例子程序。-Zigbee technology practice Tutorial- Chapter IV Examples include: LCD ADC, serial port, timers, and so examples, good examples of new to cc2430 program.
430 电池监控程序
- 430对于电池的监控程序。包含了对温度。电压。电流的监控,并实现了与zigbee的交流-430 for battery monitoring program. Contains a temperature. Voltage. Current monitoring and implements communication with zigbee
- msp430fr5969应用 采用zigbee rfid 技术实现网络无线节点-this is a app in msp430
- zigbee 2007协议栈,智能门锁,与MCP 430通信,控制开门,指纹录入,开门报告,远程开门等-2007 zigbee protocol stack, smart door locks, and MCP 430 communication, control to open the door, and fingerprint entry, open doors report, such as remote to open the door