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Delphi2005 B/S程序设计技巧集(23--28)

现在delphi 2005 B/S的书籍资料太少,几乎没有可参考的资料,这在一定程度上限制了delphi 2005的使用,相反C#,ASP的书籍资料到处都是。通过几个月的学习也算是总结了一点经验,从现在起我将陆续将ASP和C#的例子、技巧翻译到delphi 2005下面,希望对大家的学习和工作有帮助,毕竟.Net是一种发展趋势。我将不定期写新的内容,同时,如果你在工作或学习中有什么问题,我也会将问题加入本篇文章,另外,一个人的能力毕竟有限,也希望大家共同来解决问题。


-Delphi B / S programming skills sets (23 -- 28) is now delphi 2005 B / S books so little information, almost no reference to the information, This, to a certain extent, limit the use of Delphi 2005, C# contrary, ASP information books are everywhere. Through several months of learning is also summed up the experiences that from now on I will continue, ASP and C# example, delphi translation skills to below 2,005, we hope to study and work there to help, After all. Net is a development trend. From time to time I will write the new content, and if you work or study any problem, I will also take the issue into this article, in addition to the ability of a person is limited, I hope we can jointly to solve the problem. SONG Xuan


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