本文详细介绍了我们队为第三屇Freescale智能汽车大赛而准备的智能车系统方案。该方案以Freescale公司的MC9S12DG128单片机作为系统的控制核心,采用CCD摄像头采集赛道信息,根据采集到的数据分析行驶路径以及对起跑线进行检测。采用PID算法对赛车的舵机和直流电机进行闭环控制,并根据跑道的弯曲程度采用不同的控制策略。-This paper describes our team for the third Tian Freescale Smart Car Competition and system solutions for the smart car. The program MC9S12DG128 Freescale' s Microcontroller system control as the core of the track acquisition using CCD camera information, analysis based on data collected on the starting line travel path and detection. PID algorithm using the car' s steering gear and closed-loop DC motor control, and the degree of bending under the runway, using different control strategies.
Freescale zinengxiaoche.pdf
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