BNB20 Finds the constrained minimum of a function of several possibly integer variables.
% Usage: [errmsg,Z,X,t,c,fail] =
% BNB20(fun,x0,xstatus,xlb,xub,A,B,Aeq,Beq,nonlcon,settings,options,P1,P2,...)
% BNB solves problems of the form:
% Minimize F(x) subject to: xlb <= x0 <=xub
% A*x <= B Aeq*x=Beq
% C(x)<=0 Ceq(x)=0
% x(i) is continuous for xstatus(i)=0
% x(i) integer for xstatus(i)= 1
% x(i) fixed for xstatus(i)=2
%-BNB20 Finds the constrained minimum of a fu nction of several possibly integer variables. % Usage : [errmsg, Z, X, t, c, fail] =% BNB20 (fun, x0, xstatus, xlb, xub, A, B, Aeq, Beq, nonlcon. settings, options, P1, P2, ...)%% BNB solves problems of the form : Minimize% F (x) subject to : xlb
% Usage: [errmsg,Z,X,t,c,fail] =
% BNB20(fun,x0,xstatus,xlb,xub,A,B,Aeq,Beq,nonlcon,settings,options,P1,P2,...)
% BNB solves problems of the form:
% Minimize F(x) subject to: xlb <= x0 <=xub
% A*x <= B Aeq*x=Beq
% C(x)<=0 Ceq(x)=0
% x(i) is continuous for xstatus(i)=0
% x(i) integer for xstatus(i)= 1
% x(i) fixed for xstatus(i)=2
%-BNB20 Finds the constrained minimum of a fu nction of several possibly integer variables. % Usage : [errmsg, Z, X, t, c, fail] =% BNB20 (fun, x0, xstatus, xlb, xub, A, B, Aeq, Beq, nonlcon. settings, options, P1, P2, ...)%% BNB solves problems of the form : Minimize% F (x) subject to : xlb
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