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- 上传时间:2012-11-16
提 供 者:
给出了一种新的基于小波多尺度分解的分层图像融合方法. 其基本思想是先对源图像
进行小波多尺度分解 其次, 按照融合规则, 采用基于区域特性量测的选择及加权算子去构造融
合图像对应的小波系数 最后, 通过逆小波变换重构融合图像. 该方法被成功地用于图像的融合
处理. 此外, 利用熵、交叉熵、互信息、均方根误差、峰值信噪比等参量, 对该融合方法的融合性能
进行了评价与分析. 实验结果表明, 该融合方法是十分有效的- A novel h ierarch ical image fusion scheme based on wavelet mult iscale de2
compo sit ion is p resented. The basic idea is to perfo rm a wavelet mult iscale decompo si2
t ion of each source image first, then the wavelet coefficient s of the fused image are
const ructed using region2based select ion and weigh ted operato rs acco rding to different
fusion rules, finally the fused image is obtained by tak ing inverse wavelet t ransfo rm.
Th is app roach has been successfully used in image fusion. In addit ion, w ith the use of
the parameters such as ent ropy, cro ss ent ropy, mutual info rmat ion, roo t mean square
erro r, peak2to2peak signal2to2no ise rat io, the perfo rmance of the fusion scheme is e2
valuated and analyzed. The experimental result s show that the fusion scheme is effec2
t ive.
进行小波多尺度分解 其次, 按照融合规则, 采用基于区域特性量测的选择及加权算子去构造融
合图像对应的小波系数 最后, 通过逆小波变换重构融合图像. 该方法被成功地用于图像的融合
处理. 此外, 利用熵、交叉熵、互信息、均方根误差、峰值信噪比等参量, 对该融合方法的融合性能
进行了评价与分析. 实验结果表明, 该融合方法是十分有效的- A novel h ierarch ical image fusion scheme based on wavelet mult iscale de2
compo sit ion is p resented. The basic idea is to perfo rm a wavelet mult iscale decompo si2
t ion of each source image first, then the wavelet coefficient s of the fused image are
const ructed using region2based select ion and weigh ted operato rs acco rding to different
fusion rules, finally the fused image is obtained by tak ing inverse wavelet t ransfo rm.
Th is app roach has been successfully used in image fusion. In addit ion, w ith the use of
the parameters such as ent ropy, cro ss ent ropy, mutual info rmat ion, roo t mean square
erro r, peak2to2peak signal2to2no ise rat io, the perfo rmance of the fusion scheme is e2
valuated and analyzed. The experimental result s show that the fusion scheme is effec2
t ive.
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