- 标签属性:
- 上传时间:2014-03-25
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(1) 可变分区方式是按作业需要的主存空间大小来分割分区的。当要装入一个作业时,根据作业需要的主存容量查看是否有足够的空闲空间,若有,则按需分配,否则,作业无法装入。假定内存大小为128K,空闲区说明表格式为:
• 起始地址——指出空闲区的起始地址;
• 长度——一个连续空闲区的长度;
• 状态——有两种状态,一种是“未分配”状态;另一种是“空表目”状态,表示该表项目前没有使用。
(2) 采用首次适应算法分配回收内存空间。运行时,输入一系列分配请求和回收请求。要求能接受来自键盘的空间申请及释放请求,能显示分区分配及回收后的内存布局情况。
-(1) variable partitioning method is based on the size of main memory space required to split the job partition. When you want to load a job, according to the operating needs of main memory to see if there is enough free space, and if so, according to need, otherwise, the job can not be loaded. Memory size is assumed to 128K, free zone descr iption table format:
• Starting Address- indicate the start address free zone
• Length- the length of a continuous free area
• Status- There are two states, one is "unassigned" state another "empty entry" status, which means that there is no use in front of the menu item.
(2) using the first-fit algorithm reclaim allocated memory space. Run, enter a series of allocation requests and recovery requests. Space required to accept the application and release request from the keyboard can display memory layout of the recovery partition and after.
• 起始地址——指出空闲区的起始地址;
• 长度——一个连续空闲区的长度;
• 状态——有两种状态,一种是“未分配”状态;另一种是“空表目”状态,表示该表项目前没有使用。
(2) 采用首次适应算法分配回收内存空间。运行时,输入一系列分配请求和回收请求。要求能接受来自键盘的空间申请及释放请求,能显示分区分配及回收后的内存布局情况。
-(1) variable partitioning method is based on the size of main memory space required to split the job partition. When you want to load a job, according to the operating needs of main memory to see if there is enough free space, and if so, according to need, otherwise, the job can not be loaded. Memory size is assumed to 128K, free zone descr iption table format:
• Starting Address- indicate the start address free zone
• Length- the length of a continuous free area
• Status- There are two states, one is "unassigned" state another "empty entry" status, which means that there is no use in front of the menu item.
(2) using the first-fit algorithm reclaim allocated memory space. Run, enter a series of allocation requests and recovery requests. Space required to accept the application and release request from the keyboard can display memory layout of the recovery partition and after.