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自己做的一个实现景深效果的程序,用到了FBO,Cg和GLSL等,稍有点复杂,效果还不错-A program for depth of field. The program include FBO, Cg and GLSL. It s a little complex, but the result is fine.


Depth of field/3DS.h
Depth of field/Adaptive Caustic Maps Using Deferred Shading.pdf
Depth of field/bottom1.jpg
Depth of field/bottom2.jpg
Depth of field/bottom3.jpg
Depth of field/bottom4.jpg
Depth of field/Camera.cpp
Depth of field/Camera.h
Depth of field/
Depth of field/
Depth of field/caustics.exe
Depth of field/caustics.ncb
Depth of field/caustics.sln
Depth of field/caustics.sln.old
Depth of field/caustics.suo
Depth of field/caustics.suo.old
Depth of field/caustics.vcproj
Depth of field/caustics.vcproj.8.00.old
Depth of field/caustics.vcproj.B7B75B4E312642F.Administrator.user
Depth of field/caustics.vcproj.JS-20130514KJLD.Administrator.user
Depth of field/caustics.vcproj.MICROSOF-8A7D3F.Administrator.user
Depth of field/caustics.vcproj.PC-200903061639.Administrator.user
Depth of field/caustics.vcproj.PC-200909191253.Administrator.user
Depth of field/caustics.vcproj.WIN-E78DJQLH48A.Administrator.user
Depth of field/caustics.vcproj.ZGC-20110316TPH.Administrator.user
Depth of field/cg.dll
Depth of field/cgGL.dll
Depth of field/contents.obv
Depth of field/CShader.cpp
Depth of field/CShader.h
Depth of field/CubeA/lobbyxneg.JPG
Depth of field/CubeA/lobbyxpos.JPG
Depth of field/CubeA/lobbyyneg.JPG
Depth of field/CubeA/lobbyypos.JPG
Depth of field/CubeA/lobbyzneg.JPG
Depth of field/CubeA/lobbyzpos.JPG
Depth of field/CubeB/lobbyxneg.JPG
Depth of field/CubeB/lobbyxpos.JPG
Depth of field/CubeB/lobbyyneg.JPG
Depth of field/CubeB/lobbyypos.JPG
Depth of field/CubeB/lobbyzneg.JPG
Depth of field/CubeB/lobbyzpos.JPG
Depth of field/CubeC/lobbyxneg.JPG
Depth of field/CubeC/lobbyxpos.JPG
Depth of field/CubeC/lobbyyneg.JPG
Depth of field/CubeC/lobbyypos.JPG
Depth of field/CubeC/lobbyzneg.JPG
Depth of field/CubeC/lobbyzpos.JPG
Depth of field/Debug/BuildLog.htm
Depth of field/Debug/Camera.obj
Depth of field/Debug/caustics.exe
Depth of field/Debug/caustics.exe.embed.manifest
Depth of field/Debug/caustics.exe.embed.manifest.res
Depth of field/Debug/caustics.exe.intermediate.manifest
Depth of field/Debug/caustics.ilk
Depth of field/Debug/caustics.pdb
Depth of field/Debug/CShader.obj
Depth of field/Debug/fbo.obj
Depth of field/Debug/Init.obj
Depth of field/Debug/Main.obj
Depth of field/Debug/mt.dep
Depth of field/Debug/vc70.pdb
Depth of field/Debug/vc80.idb
Depth of field/Debug/vc80.pdb
Depth of field/Debug/vc90.idb
Depth of field/Debug/vc90.pdb
Depth of field/Debug/_desktop.ini
Depth of field/fbo.cpp
Depth of field/fbo.h
Depth of field/gause.bmp
Depth of field/glew32.dll
Depth of field/glext.h
Depth of field/glh_extensions.h
Depth of field/glu32.dll
Depth of field/glut.dll
Depth of field/glut32.dll
Depth of field/GL_EXTENSIONS.txt
Depth of field/gpedit.dll
Depth of field/include/CG/cg.h
Depth of field/include/CG/cgGL.h
Depth of field/include/CG/cgGL_profiles.h
Depth of field/include/CG/cg_bindlocations.h
Depth of field/include/CG/cg_datatypes.h
Depth of field/include/CG/cg_enums.h
Depth of field/include/CG/cg_errors.h
Depth of field/include/CG/cg_profiles.h
Depth of field/include/GL/glew.h
Depth of field/include/GL/glext.h
Depth of field/include/GL/glut.h
Depth of field/include/osg_base/Math.h
Depth of field/include/osg_base/Matrix.h
Depth of field/include/osg_base/Matrixd.cpp
Depth of field/include/osg_base/Matrixd.h
Depth of field/include/osg_base/Matrixf.cpp
Depth of field/include/osg_base/Matrixf.h
Depth of field/include/osg_base/Matrix_implementation.cpp
Depth of field/include/osg_base/osg_base.h
Depth of field/include/osg_base/Quat.cpp
Depth of field/include/osg_base/Quat.h
Depth of field/include/osg_base/Referenced.cpp
Depth of field/include/osg_base/Referenced.h
Depth of field/include/osg_base/ref_ptr.h
Depth of field/include/osg_base/Vec2.h
Depth of field/include/osg_base/Vec3.h
Depth of field/include/osg_base/Vec4.h
Depth of field/include/osg_base/_desktop.ini
Depth of field/Init.cpp
Depth of field/
Depth of field/
Depth of field/left1.jpg
Depth of field/left2.jpg
Depth of field/left3.jpg
Depth of field/lib/cg.lib
Depth of field/lib/cgGL.lib
Depth of field/lib/glew32.lib
Depth of field/lib/glew32s.lib
Depth of field/lib/glut.lib
Depth of field/lib/glut32.lib
Depth of field/lightout.txt
Depth of field/Main.cpp
Depth of field/main.h
Depth of field/opengl32.dll
Depth of field/out.txt
Depth of field/
Depth of field/
Depth of field/
Depth of field/
Depth of field/ply.cpp
Depth of field/Ply.h
Depth of field/PointSpirit.h
Depth of field/Release/BuildLog.htm
Depth of field/Release/Camera.obj
Depth of field/Release/caustics.exe
Depth of field/Release/caustics.exe.embed.manifest
Depth of field/Release/caustics.exe.embed.manifest.res
Depth of field/Release/caustics.exe.intermediate.manifest
Depth of field/Release/caustics.exp
Depth of field/Release/caustics.ilk
Depth of field/Release/caustics.lib
Depth of field/Release/caustics.pdb
Depth of field/Release/cg.dll
Depth of field/Release/cgGL.dll
Depth of field/Release/CShader.obj
Depth of field/Release/fbo.obj
Depth of field/Release/gle


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