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文件名称:PE Explorer1.99 R5

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功能极为强大的可视化汉化集成工具,可直接浏览、修改软件资源,包括菜单、对话框、字符串表等; 另外,还具备有 W32DASM 软件的反编译能力和PEditor 软件的 PE 文件头编辑功能,可以更容易的分析源代码,修复损坏了的资源,可以处理 PE 格式的文件如:EXE、DLL、DRV、BPL、DPL、SYS、CPL、OCX、SCR 等 32 位可执行程序。该软件支持插件,你可以通过增加插件加强该软件的功能, 原公司在该工具中捆绑了 UPX 的脱壳插件、扫描器和反汇编器.,非常好用。(The powerful visualized Chinese integration tool can browse and modify software resources directly, including menus, dialog boxes, string tables, etc. In addition, it also has the decompilation ability of W32DASM software and the PE file header editing function of PEditor software, which makes it easier to analyze source code and repair damaged resources. It can handle 32-bit executable programs in PE format such as EXE, DLL, DRV, BPL, DPL, SYS, CPL, OCX, SCR, etc. The software supports plug-ins, you can strengthen the function of the software by adding plug-ins. The original company bundled UPX shell plug-ins, scanners and disassemblers in the tool. It is very useful.)
相关搜索: PE Explorer1.99 R5



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