- 标签属性:
- 上传时间:2012-11-16
提 供 者:
Codesite 的主要目的是帮助开发者们查找其代码中的问题。CodeSite 的主要功能是可以让开发者使用代码来发送运行时的详细信息到特殊的接收器。更精确的说,通过 CodeSite 实现的 TCodeSite 类,我们可以打包并发送运行时的信息给 CodeSite Dispatcher(CodeSite 的消息分发器),它可以路由这些消息到一个或多个接收器来察看。缺省的信息接收器是 CodeSite Viewer(消息察看器)。CodeSite 的效率体现在它不同于简单的显示消息的对话框或设定断点来检查变量,它的消息是可持续的,也就是可以保存的。生成的发送到目的地的消息的日志将为你找出代码中的问题提供相当有用的的信息。此外,在使用对话框和断点的时候,发出 Codesite 信息并不中断你的应用程序,因此,Codesite 在用户需要跟踪记录交互内容的场合里效率是十分高的。
本版本支持以下 IDE:
Delphi 5,6,7,2005
C++Builder 5,6
BDS 2006 (Delphi 2006, C++Builder 2006)
RAD Studio 2007 (Delphi 2007, C++Builder 2007)
RAD Studio 2009 (Delphi 2009, C++Builder 2009)
Visual Studio .NET 2003
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008
-When CodeSite was first introduced, it immediately changed the way developers locate problems in their code. In subsequent releases, CodeSite was extended beyond the developer s workstation to become a full-featured application logging system. Now, CodeSite 4.0 takes logging to a new level by focusing on productivity, flexibility, and performance.
CodeSite 4.0 supports more development frameworks and integrated development environments than ever before. CodeSite 4.0 offers more ways of capturing even more types of logging information. CodeSite 4.0 allows more flexible deployment options and benefits from significant performance improvements. And for the first time, the CodeSite Live Viewer is now included with the CodeSite Tools and may be freely distributed with your applications.
本版本支持以下 IDE:
Delphi 5,6,7,2005
C++Builder 5,6
BDS 2006 (Delphi 2006, C++Builder 2006)
RAD Studio 2007 (Delphi 2007, C++Builder 2007)
RAD Studio 2009 (Delphi 2009, C++Builder 2009)
Visual Studio .NET 2003
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008
-When CodeSite was first introduced, it immediately changed the way developers locate problems in their code. In subsequent releases, CodeSite was extended beyond the developer s workstation to become a full-featured application logging system. Now, CodeSite 4.0 takes logging to a new level by focusing on productivity, flexibility, and performance.
CodeSite 4.0 supports more development frameworks and integrated development environments than ever before. CodeSite 4.0 offers more ways of capturing even more types of logging information. CodeSite 4.0 allows more flexible deployment options and benefits from significant performance improvements. And for the first time, the CodeSite Live Viewer is now included with the CodeSite Tools and may be freely distributed with your applications.
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