- EasyBMPtoAVI is a simple, easy-to-use, cross-platform utility for creating an avi movie file from a series of windows bitmap (BMP) images. Some features: 1) Support for reading all bit-depths supported by EasyBMP. At the present time,
- 单片机控制 各个端口的输入输出控制代码 以及中断的代码-MCU control all the input and output port control code and interrupt code
- 软件名称:dbfview2000 版本:2.02 原版下载:http://www.dbf2002.com 详细链接:http://www.dbf2002.com/dbfview.exe 运行环境:Windows 95/98/NT/2000/2003/XP 软件性质:共享 汉化软件:HAP-pdbfview-hyy.rar 汉化大小:335K 汉化作者:兰天白云 E-mail:huyy3@tom.com 软件介绍: 1.支持 Clipper/FoxPro
- Hynix 2Gb 详细的数据手册 HY27UF(08/16)2G2A Series 2Gbit (256Mx8bit/128Mx16bit) NAND Flash
- IROM_Fusing_Tool 是三星开发的一个Widows小程序,用于向SD卡写入BootLoader,但是默认的程序只能烧写2GB以下的SD卡,这里是程序的源码和两个版本,一个SD版本,用于2GB以下SD卡烧写,另一个SDHC版本,用于2GB以上的SDHC卡烧写。并附文章,解释了代码修改的地方。-IROM_Fusing_Tool Widows Samsung developed a small program used to write to the SD card BootLoader,
- VB断点拷贝大文件,支持2GB以下大文件的复制,可以中途退出。-VB breakpoints copying large files to support large file copy under 2GB, you can withdraw midway.
- sha-512,sha-256,等的C实现,内附 官方参考和整理参考.包括最流行的md5 算法源码 sha512是最新版本的美国国家安全局所设计的算法.本代码支持任意大小的字符串或文件(<2GB,可以改到4GB,8GB...).-sha-512, sha-256, such as the C to achieve, enclosing the official reference and collate reference. including the most popular s
- 用VMWare打开压缩包里的虚拟机配置文件,运行后可以自动引导到Windows CE桌面。Windows CE runtime kernel支持: 64MB内存 音频 2GB IDE硬盘 USB 1.1 HOST (UHCI) 网卡 RS232串口(输出到文件) HIVE-BASED注册表 没有VMWare的可以到VMWare的主页下载VMware Player,免费的。 BSP是在EMULATOR的BSP基础上修改而成,主要是增加了对USB
- mp3 player firmware like 2gb lisong
- 又一个星际译王Stardict词库编译器。与官方的stardict-editor相比有如下特点: 1、输入格式仅支持Tabfile,但词条可以用竖线|分隔以表示同义词。 2、可指定最大.dict文件大小,若源数据过多则会按此大小分割成多个词库,以规避Stardict不支持超过2G词库文件的问题。适合于大型维基词库的编译。 3、可指定词条解释的的最长大小,解释过多的词条会被分割成多个条目,以避免在手机上使用时内存不足。 4、不会将源文件全部加载至内存。排序只针对词条索引,在
- 研华PCM-9361嵌入式工控开发板说明书-The PCM-9361 is a 3.5" SBC (Single Board Computer) with Embedded Intel® Atom N270 1.6 GHz Processor. PCM-9361 can support DDR2 memory up to 2GB, has five USB 2.0 compatible ports, Giga LAN (1000 Mbps) interface, LVDS/TTL
- S3C2440A支持2gb nandflash启动的bootloader代码。经过测试的工程代码。-S3C2440A supports 2gb nandflash bootloader startup code. After the test project code.
- OpenDOS (DR-DOS) XCOPY.COM version 1.4 sources. Using 2Gb+ files.
- Fast Memory Manager - Readme --- --- --- --- ---- Descr iption: ------------ A fast replacement memory manager for Embarcadero Delphi Win32 applications that scales well under multi-threaded usage, is not prone to memory fragmentation, and
- 一个计算文件的MD5码的模块,可以非常方便的在VB6中调用,目前还没有发现可以计算2GB以上文件的-A calculation of the MD5 code module, can be very convenient in VB6 call can calculate more than 2GB file is not found
- 文件粉碎机 版本1.0 附源码 说明: 1.删除文件彻底,无法恢复,故称“粉碎” 2.由于简单。所以当文件被占用或者文件过大(超过2GB)将无法粉碎 3.添加文件大小自检防破解(最简单的方法) 4.有兴趣可以稍加修改-File Shredder Version 1.0 with source code Descr iption: delete the file completely, can not be recovered, so called " crus
- 本可以早点发布的,反复测试了好些天,已修复已知的BUG和整合缺失文件,今正式发布! 本版本可以说是运营级别的傲玩至尊版本,压缩包大小2GB,解压后将近12GB!!!游戏共16款!!!(This can be released earlier, repeated testing for several days, has been restored to the known BUG and integration of missing files, officially released tod
storz video
- 医疗公司出的一个视频录制软件,主要录制手术画面。软件自动分拆视频大小控制在2GB内。可一边录制一边拍照及实时的录音等(A video recording software produced by the medical company, mainly recording the surgical images. The software automatic split video size is controlled within the 2GB. Recording while taking
- 用于SAR图像识别与分类的官方MSTAR图像集,百度云链接,永久有效,2GB。(Official MSTAR image set for SAR image recognition and classification, Baidu cloud link, permanently valid, 2GB.)