- TR-IRCD is an ircd and a collection of services programs for IRC networks. The ircd is heavily influenced by ircd-hybrid and Bahamut. It includes support for IRC extensions such as md5-encrypted hostnames, local channels, and autokill exclusions, mod
- nokia 60系列实现自动参数配置协议格式,如MMS、WAP、DM,比较实用-automatic configuration parameters of the agreement formats such as MMS, WAP, DM, more practical
- 邮件软件 Congratulations on choosing ACDSee - the world’s #1 digital imaging software. ACDSee is a comprehensive application ideal for acquiring, organizing, viewing, enhancing, and sharing your images. With the image browser, you can find, organize, a
- 基于ROM的正弦波发生器的设计:1.正弦发生器由波形数据存储模块(ROM),波形发生器控制模块及锁存模块组成 2.波形数据存储模块(ROM)定制数据宽度为8,地址宽度为6,可存储 64点正弦波形数据,用MATLAB求出波形数据。 3.将50MHz作为输入时钟。 ,ROM-based design of the sine wave generator: 1. Sinusoidal waveform generator by the data storage module (ROM), wav
- 绝对完整的AVR单片机 Usb ISP 的下载线制做过程和资料,里面有驱动程序、原码文件电路图、等详细的说明文件-Usb ISP,Absolute integrity of the AVR Singlechip Usb ISP-wire system to do the download process and information, which has the driver, the original Code document schematics, such as detailed do
- STM32F101xx 和STM32F103xx参考手册。本参考手册针对应用开发,提供关于如何使用STM32F101xx 和STM32F103xx 微控制器的存储器和外设的详细信息。在本参考手册中STM32F101xx和STM32F103xx 被统称为STM32F10xxx,STM32F101xx and STM32F103xx reference manual. The reference manual for application development, to provide infor
- 对数字调制信号计算循环谱相关,并画出三维图以及二位截面图,Digital modulation signal to the cycle spectral correlation calculation, and draw three-dimensional map, as well as two sections
- DELPHI7写的 网页游戏弹弹堂辅助软件,可以更准确的识别距离,并有力量标注等。,Page written DELPHI7 Church Auxiliary弹弹game software, you can more accurately identify the distance and strength, such as tagging.
- 航空影像内定向,通过仿射变换确定扫描坐标和影像像平面坐标的关系,将影像坐标全部转换到像平面中,主要结算仿射变换参数,Aerial Image with orientation, scanning through the affine transformation to determine the coordinates and image plane coordinates as the relationship between the image coordinates of all the
- 可行性报告的标准格式,供大家参考,申请基金使用,这是WORD文档,可作为格式模板。-Report on the feasibility of a standard format for your information to apply for the use of the Fund, this is WORD document format can be used as a template.
- 基于AS-R的避障小车 由南京航空航天大学编制-AS-R-based obstacle avoidance of the car by the establishment of the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- 本书全面介绍了UNIX系统的程序设计界面—系统调用界面和标准C库提供的许多函数。 本书的前15章着重于理论知识的阐述,主要内容包括UNIX文件和目录、进程环境、进程控制、进程间通信以及各种I/O。在此基础上,分别按章介绍了多个应用实例,包括如何创建数据库函数库,Postscr ipt 打印机驱动程序,调制解调器拨号器及在伪终端上运行其他程序的程序等。 本书内容丰富权威,概念清晰精辟,一直以来被誉为UNIX编程的“圣经”,对于所有UNIX程序员—无论是初学者还是专家级人士—都是一本无价的参考书籍。
- R语言的程序代码,为了更好的学习R语言与大数据方面的数据分析,数据分类还有数据挖掘,这将是一个大数据的时代(R language program code, in order to better learn R language and big data aspects of data analysis, data classification, as well as data mining, which will be a big data Era)
- 运用r语言构造有效前沿的步骤大致可按照获取数据、将数据加工处理为收益率矩阵、以收益率矩阵为输入计算得到有效前沿这三个步骤来完成。(The steps of using R language to construct an effective frontier can be achieved in three steps: data acquisition, data processing as yield matrix, and yield matrix as input.)
- 这是我大学刚学的r语言入门,还有相关题目。(This is the beginning of my university R language, as well as related topics.)
R Graphics Cookbook2013
- about data visualization in R is available! The book covers many of the same topics as the Graphs and Data Manipulation sections of this website, but it goes into more depth and covers a broader range of techniques.
- R语言的可视化手册,可以作为工具书使用。(R language visualization manual, can be used as a reference book.)
- 模糊c-均值聚类算法 fuzzy c-means algorithm (FCMA)或称( FCM)。在众多模糊聚类算法中,模糊C-均值( FCM) 算法应用最广泛且较成功,它通过优化目标函数得到每个样本点对所有类中心的隶属度,从而决定样本点的类属以达到自动对样本数据进行分类的目的。(Fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm or FCM. Among many fuzzy clustering algorithms, the Fuzzy C-Means algori
- 书名:学习R,可以作为学习资料参考使用,适合初学者(Title: learning R, which can be used as a reference for learning materials, suitable for beginners)
- 时间序列分析r语言练习数据。时间序列分析(Time-Series Analysis)是指将原来的销售分解为四部分来看——趋势、周期、时期和不稳定因素, 然后综合这些因素, 提出销售预测。强调的是通过对一个区域进行一定时间段内的连续遥感观测,提取图像有关特征,并分析其变化过程与发展规模。当然,首先需要根据检测对象的时相变化特点来确定遥感监测的周期,从而选择合适的遥感数据。(Time series analysis is to decompose the original sales into fo