- 用VC NET实现的CAD开发源程序, 包括画直线,圆弧,多边形,图形打印等。 -VC NET development of CAD source, including drawing straight lines, arcs, and polygons, graphics printing.
- 此程序用QuadCurve2D产生有一个控制电和两个重点的quadratic curve,并允许通过改变控制电或曲线重点的位置来绘制弧线-this procedure with a QuadCurve2D produce electricity and control of two key quadratic curve, and allow control by changing the curve -- or to focus on the location of drawing arcs
- 采用VC++.NET编写的画线、画矩形、椭圆、弧线和多边形及折线Graphic方法。-using VC.NET prepared by the line drawing, painting rectangular, oval, arcs and polygons and dogleg Graphic methods.
- 支持所有流行的股票图表显示格式:Candlestick、 OHLCV、OHLC、和HLC、Darvas Boxes、3D Candlesticks、Renko、Kagi、Three Line Break、Point 、Figure、Candlevolume、Equivolume、Shaded Equivolume。每一个图表风格可以实时更新。 实时自动技术分析更新。 支持创建Line Studies,如Ellipse, Rectangle、 Trend Line、Speed Line
RF design example
- circles Various circle equations gain Constant gain circles noise Constant noise circles quality Constant Qn circles stability Stability circles conversion Conversion routines between different twoport network representations global Some useful routi
- opencv 椭圆拟合的c++语言实现的代码,opencv fitting elliptical c++ language code
- 与windows自带画图程序功能类似,能画线、圆弧、圆、多边形等图形.-Function with the windows built-in drawing program similar to drawing lines, arcs, circles, polygons and other graphics.
- Trees are natural structures for representing certain kinds of hierarchical data. A (rooted) tree consists of a set of nodes (or vertices) and a set of arcs (or edges). -Trees are natural structures for representing certain kinds of hierarchical data
- if(v0==y)return "请正确选择景点" int v,w,i,j,min CString s1 bool final[num] int d[num] for(i=0 i<num i++) for(j=0 j<num j++) p[i][j]=-1 for(v=0 v<num v++){ final[v]=false d[v]=g.arcs[v0][v] if(d[v]<
- 打开并且读取DXF文件中的直线和弧线信息。-open and access the information of lines and arcs in the DXF file.
- This example creates arcs by using the GeometryDigitizeService. Each arc requires three points. The method for digitizing arcs alternates between start-top-end points and start-end-top points. A text box displays digitizing instructions for each
- 图形学原理,有画点、线、圆弧、区域填充等基础的画图算法。-Graphics principles, there are draw points, lines, arcs, and other infrastructure of the drawing area filling algorithm.
- 系统基本功能要求: 1、制图功能 作为一个功能较为完善的建模工具,制图功能应该是最不可或缺的。本建模工具可以实现对于直线、连续直线、多边形区域、圆、圆形区域、圆弧、字符(包括汉字和英文字母) -The basic functions of the system requirements: 1, mapping function as a function of a more comprehensive modeling tools, mapping function should be the
- 首先,引进一个辅助向量D,它的每个分量D表示当前所找到的从始点v到每个终点vi的最短路径的长度。如D[3]=2表示从始点v到终点3的路径相对最小长度为2。这里强调相对就是说在算法过程中D的值是在不断逼近最终结果但在过程中不一定就等于最短路径长度。它的初始状态为:若从v到vi有弧,则D为弧上的权值;否则置D为∞。显然,长度为 D[j]=-First of all, the introduction of an auxiliary vector D, for each of its componen
- 简单的画直线和矩形,园,多边形,弧线等功能。同时还可以设置各种画笔的颜色,大小。-A simple drawing lines and rectangles, Park, polygons, arcs and other functions. It also can set a variety of pen colors, size.
- 一个模仿Word艺术字的源代码,使用GDI+编程,可以生成各种角度和弧线的艺术字,支持文字颜色图片填充、阴影、浮雕效果。支持文字任意角度旋转,缩放,调整。支持文字艺术特效轨迹回放,路径跟踪,路径测试等很炫的功能。新版本修复了内存泄漏的问题,添加了Unicode编码的支持,生成的艺术字可以保存为一个GDI+路径的BMP,JPG,GIF图片格式。 -An imitation of the source code of Word WordArt, use the GDI+ programming,
- 实现一个画图程序。很好的画直线,圆弧,椭圆弧,多边形,能够自定义颜色。对多边形、椭圆和圆能够进行填充。要求结果可以存盘,但不必存成图片文件。-Implement a drawing program. A very good painting straight lines, arcs, elliptical arcs, polygons, can be custom color. On the polygon, ellipse and circle can be filled. Save resu
- A software used for CAD, which is recommended to be compiled on VC++ 6.0 . You can draw simple graph elments such as lines, arcs, rectangles, ellipses and so on. It also has different types of linestyle and color.
- 对任意给定的图(顶点数不小于20,边数不少于30,图的类型可以是有向图、无向图、有向网、无向网),能够输入图的顶点和边(或弧)的信息,并存储到相应存储结构(邻接矩阵、邻接表、十字链表、邻接多重表,任选其中两种类型),对自己所创建的图完成以下操作: 对无向图求每个顶点的度,或对有向图求每个顶点的入度和出度(5分) 完成插入顶点和边(或弧)的功能(5分) 完成删除顶点和边(或弧)的功能(5分) 两种存储结构的转换(5分),如果其中一种存储结构为十字链表或邻接多重表则增加5分。
- Computational Electrodynamics - the FDTD method (2nd Edition) 3 Dimensional FDTD codes implemented by Matlab and include Dey-Mittra Mesh Generator. The Dey-Mittra Mesh Generator allows you to input a 2-d geometry to solve scattering problems.