- Shows how a Windows Media file is streamed across the Internet. The sample requires a port to be specified, and then the file can be played using a player. -Shows how a Windows Media file is streamed a cross the Internet. The sample requires a port t
- 法国巴黎大学提供的开源项目。该软件的设计目标为: 1.多媒体音视频播放器,能识别几乎所有的媒体文件格式:mpeg1,mpeg2,mpeg4等等(realplay的格式无法识别); 2.作为网络传输音视频流媒体的客户端和服务器端,已经实现了rtsp,rtp以及unicast和multicast等各个流媒体功能; 3.跨平台。现在已经支持的平台有:windows,unix,linux,MAC OS X,BeOS,QNX等等操作系统; 我在该项目上花了不少时间,如果遇到了问题可以来问我!zhong_c
- QT 基于phonon的多媒体播放器,能播放视频和音频,能跨平台在windows\linux\塞班\winCE下编译-QT based on phonon multimedia player that can play video and audio, can be cross-platform windows \ linux \ Symbian \ winCE compile
- 跨平台的流媒体文件下载工具,支持http mms rtsp等-Cross-platform streaming media download tool, such as http mms rtsp support
- vb实现选择线删除线,在微软开发的环境条件下实现选线和删除线,有源代码,对实现交互工能删除线有用!-vb select line to achieve the deletion of lines, in the Microsoft development environment to achieve alignment and deletion of lines of active code, to the achievement of cross-line workers can be use
- VLC media player - the cross-platform media player and streaming server VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg, ...) as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various str
- 媒体库中间层,可以更容易开发媒体软件,如游戏等,这库在LINUX下GNU编程下使用-The Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL for short) is a cross-platfrom library designed to make it easy to write multi-media software, such as games and emulators. This library is distributed under the terms
- 目录: 1. 作者介绍 2. SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer) 1. SDL是什么? * SDL是一个自由的跨平台的多媒体开发包 * 适用于游戏 * 适用于游戏SDK * 适用于模拟器 * 适用于演示软件 * 适用于多媒体应用软件 3. SDL有哪些功能? * 视频 * 事件 * 音频 * CD音频 * 线程支持 * 定时器 * 和字节序(Endian)无关
- 跨平台的媒体库平台,图象显示,创建,读取等操作。图象放大缩小等。-Treasury cross-platform media platforms, image display, create, read, such as the operation. Zoom and other images.
- Moovida is an open source cross-platform media center solution designed to be simple for people not particularly familiar with computers. With Moovida you can enjoy: - Watch your pictures with previews and nicely animated slideshows. - Wat
- SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer)是什么呢?根据他的表面意思,翻译过来就是简单的指导媒体层SDL是一个跨平台的多媒体函数库,被用来设计成在低层访问音频,键盘,鼠标,游戏杆,基于OPENGL(一个3D图象开发函数库)的3D 硬件,和2D图象帧缓冲区。它被广泛的用于基于MPEG的媒体播放软件,模拟器,和许多著名的游戏。最著名的游戏是赢得LIUNX组游戏开发大奖的 文明:权利的召唤(Civilization: Call To Power)。-SDL (Simple Direc
- P2PX是一个开源的P2P点对点音视频、文件通讯传输开发套件;包括跨平台可部署服务端程序,和客户端开发组件; P2PX实现NAT点对点的穿透,支持音视频传输,文件传输等功能。 使用标准RTP实时流媒体传输协议,MPEG4视频编码格式,局域网内点对点传输达到2-3M/秒传输速度,支持多文件发送。-P2PX is an open source P2P peer audio and video, file transfer communications Development Kit includi
- SDL是Simple DirectMedia Layer(简易直控媒体层)的缩写。它是一个跨平台的多媒 体库,以用于直接控制底层的多媒体硬件的接口。这些多媒体功能包括了音频、键盘和鼠标 (事件)、游戏摇杆等。当然,最为重要的是提供了 2D图形帧缓冲(framebuffer)的接口, 以及为 OpenGL 与各种操作系统之间提供了统一的标准接口以实现 3D图形。从这些属性我 们可以看出,SDL 基本上可以认为是为以电脑游戏为核心开发的多媒体库。-SDL is the Simple
- A cross-platform C++ library for discovering, controlling or implementing UPnP devices. Contains sample code for a UPnP AV Media Server, Media Renderer & Control Point.
- live555 是一个为流媒体提供解决方案的跨平台的C++开源项目,它实现了对标准流媒体传输协议如RTP/RTCP、RTSP、SIP等的支持-live555 is a streaming media solutions for the cross-platform C++ open source projects, it implements the standard streaming protocol such as RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP and other supp
- xboxmediacenter(xbmc)是一个自由球员自动处理机微软xbox多媒体游戏控制台、它能够玩回来几乎所有已知的视频、音频和图片格式从xboxharddrive,xbox的DVD的光碟,当地网,甚至国际互联网。-XBMC media center XBMC media center is a free software cross-platform media player jukebox and entertainment hub. XBMC is capable of playin
- 典型相关性分析,对图像特征及其文本特征进行融合,抽取主要特征并存储输出,是很好的跨媒体领域处理算法-Canonical correlation analysis, features and text features for image fusion, extract and store the output of the main features is a good cross-media field processing algorithms
- 跨媒体检索新方法包括:CM、SM、SCM(This demo executes cross-modal retrieval experiments on a novel dataset of Wikipedia pages. Extract the zip file, open a matlab session and run any of the example scritps: - correlation matching 'demo_CM.m' - semantic ma
- 维基百科跨媒体检索数据集图片为128维sift特征文本为10维LDA特征svcl.ucsd.edu/projects/crossmodal/(cross-media datasets svcl.ucsd.edu/projects/crossmodal/)
- wikipedia跨模态(文本图像)数据集,可用于图像标注、跨媒体检索等领域。共十类,已标注。文本特征是10维LDA特征,图像特征是128维SIFT特征(Wikipedia datasets for cross-media retrieval, image annotation etc.)