- a simple COM server v.1.1 that is able to receive a mail messages and extract attached files. Base64 encoding is supported only. Look at the Eucalyptus sources for more encoding. -a simple COM server v.1.1 that is able to rec eive a mail messages a
eucalyptus-1.6.2 云计算平台eucalyptus源代码
- 云计算平台eucalyptus源代码,其中我分析了集群控制器和关于存储方面(storage,CLC下的walrus,SC)的代码,让大家对该平台有个了解和提升-Cloud computing platform eucalyptus source code, which I analyzed the cluster controller and on the storage (storage, CLC under the walrus, SC) of the code, so that we ha
- AppScale可以被作为一片云结束运转 桉树或者EC2,在一个象Xen那样的virtualization层上方, 或者直接在一非virtualized的群上。-AppScale can be run as a cloud over Eucalyptus or EC2, over a virtualization layer such as Xen, or directly on a non-virtualized cluster.
- 对现有的云计算平台进行分析和总结,结合移动IPTV的特点,基于Eucalyptus开源云计算平台,提出并设计了一个应用于移动IPTV场景的云计算系统,并对其负载均衡技术予以改进。实验仿真结果表明改进后系统比原有系统的调度算法有明显优势,并更加适合云计算平台,并适合移动IPTV服务的发展。-Cloud computing platform on the existing analysis and summary, combining the characteristics of mobile IP
- C#桉例源代码,大家可以看看,很有帮助,比较详细-Eucalyptus cases of C# source code, we can see, very helpful
- 80x86汇编语言程序设计 教桉及答案(第二版),对学习这本书的人作用还是蛮大的-80x86 assembly language program designed to teach eucalyptus and answers (second edition), this book for learning the role of people is still quite large
- 冈萨雷斯《数字图象处理》习题答案,很不错的资料-Gonzalez digital image processing "problem sets a eucalyptus
- 书籍《Visual C++ MATLAB图像处理与识别实用桉例精选》的源代码。-Source code of book 《Visual C++ MATLAB image processing and recognition practical eucalyptus cases selected》.
- 桉树状打印二叉树,对初学者来说有一定的帮助,同时在理解二叉树方面也有一定的了解。-Eucalyptus-like print binary tree, for beginners who have some help, but in understanding the binary tree also has a certain understanding.
- To provide researchers in scientific fields with the computing capacity that they need, several solutions have emerged. Cloud computing is known for providing on-demand self-service, elasticity, flexibility, and cost reduction. However, open so