- D:\\matlab\\nmm\\fit.rar插值-D : \\ Matlab \\ nmm \\ fit.rar interpolation
- fit_ellipse - finds the best fit to an ellipse for the given set of points. a matalb realization,fit_ellipse- finds the best fit to an ellipse for the given set of points. a matalb realization
- 椭圆检测拟合程序,能够从图片中自动提取椭圆并进行拟合 -Ellipse detection fitting procedure can be automatically extracted from the image to fit the ellipse and the
- 该程序利用最小二乘法进行拟合多元非线性方程。是我做毕设的时候写的。希望对大家有用。-This code can fit multivariable nonlinear equation by using least squares.
- Input: XY(n,2) is the array of coordinates of n points x(i)=XY(i,1), y(i)=XY(i,2) Output: Par = [a b R] is the fitting circle: center (a,b) and radius R Note: this fit does not use built-in matrix functions (except "mean"), so it can be
- 最小二乘拟合算法C程序,N为拟合点数,T为拟合阶数。-Least-squares fitting algorithm C procedures, N for the fitting points, T for the fitting order.
- Two matlab files to demonstrate how to fit an ellipsoid directly to a set of 3D points. -Two matlab files to demonstrate how to fit an ellipsoid directly to a set of 3D points.
- an implementation of best fit in matlab
- 内存管理 设计一个内存管理器,支持至少两种分配策略。 对不同分配策略的性能进行评估。 利用c++语言实现了,First-fit,next-fit。两种分配算法。并实现了测试程序 -Design a memory management memory management, and support for at least two types of allocation strategies. On the performance of different allocation st
- 本实验要求建造一个没有虚拟功能的内存管理系统.任务如下: 设计一个内存管理器,支持至少两种分配策略,如first-fit,next-fit,best-fit,worst-fit等. 对不同分配策略的性能进行评估. 这次实验主要实现了first fit和best fit两个算法。 -This experiment did not require the construction of a virtual memory management sys
- 追赶法光滑曲线拟合.多个离散点拟合光滑曲线的,优化了追赶法,适用于闭合和不闭合两种情况 -chasing method Curve Fit
- 可以把图片和rar格式的文件合体,使之可以成为rar后缀和jpg后缀都可以打开的文件-You can put pictures and rar file formats fit, so that it can become a rar suffix suffix and jpg files can be opened
- the program is to fit a bezier curve .bezier curve is a powerful algorithm for engineer.
- This is a fast non-iterative ellipse fit, and among fast non-iterative ellipse fits this is the most accurate and robust. It takes the xy-coordinates of data points, and returns the coefficients of the equation of the ellipse: ax^2 + bxy +
- 该算法是用正交多项式来求最小二乘拟合多项式。-This algorithm is to use orthogonal polynomials to seek least-squares polynomial fitting.
- 这次上传的程序源码是关于根据给定的xy点,拟合一个圆,依据是半径平方偏差的和。-The upload program source code is about according to the given xy point, fitting a circle, based on the radius squared deviations and.
- fit_ellipse - finds the best fit to an ellipse for the given set of points.-fit_ellipse- finds the best fit to an ellipse for the given set of points.
- 模拟内存分配算法,功能强大,first fit-Analog memory allocation algorithm, a powerful, first fit
- 简单的蒙特卡洛算法,设计拟合随机数,通过系类操作完成部分计算-A simple Monte Carlo algorithm, designed to fit a random number, through the Department of the completion of part of the calculation of class action
- 分析Unix最先适应(first fit,ff)存储分配算法。即map数据结构、存储分配函数ma lloc()和存储释放函数mfree(),找出与算法有关的成分。修改上述算法有关成分,使其分别体现BF(best fit,最佳适应)分配原则WF(worst fit,最坏适应)分配原则。-Analysis of Unix was first to adapt to (first fit, ff) memory allocation algorithm. The map data structure,