- AVR单片机上的ucOS-II V2.76的移植,编译器为WINAVR,G
- 从用c语言编出程序要用文件输入数据。 绘制二次B样条曲线的表达式: P(0,2)(t)=P0*G(0,2)(t)+P1*G(1,2)(t)+P2*G(2,2)(t) 0<=t<=1-from using language out to document procedures with the input data. Drawing II B-spline curves of expression : P (0,2) (t) = P0 * G (0,2) (t) * G P1 (1,2
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- 语法分析程序 利用C++(或C)编制确定的自顶向下预测分析语法分析程序,并对简单语言进行语法分析。 待分析的简单语言的语法若文法G[ E]为: (1) E –> TE’ (2) E’ –> +TE’ (3) E’ –> e (4) T –> FT’ (5) T’ –> *FT’ (6) T’ –> e (7) F –> (E) (8) F –> i 实验说明 具体要求如下:
- Keil下的uCOS-ii+GUI(ForLPC214x)-Keil under uCOS-ii+ GUI (ForLPC214x)
- 当我们想将uClinux移植到NiosII上时,需要在Linux上安裝Nios II gcc cross compiler。下载后请用RAR解压,然后方可在Linux下解压安装-When we want to migrate to NiosII on uClinux, the need to install Linux on the Nios II gcc cross compiler. Please download RAR decompression, and then only in ex
- Appendix II to G.711 standard
- 实验题目: 一.将输入的RGB图象分层,并将图象的指定层加强 二.分别显示原始图象,R层灰度图象,G层灰度图象,B层灰度图象及色彩增强图象。 -Experiment Title: 1. The RGB input image layers, and layer images to enhance the designated II., Respectively, show the original image, R gray level image, G
- from article Building a Lightweight COM Interception Framework, Part II: The Guts of the UD - Keith Brown The Universal Delegator provides the code necessary to compose arbitrary services on top of existing COM objects, with or without the explicit
- ARM Port of UCOS-II Date : 03.06.2004 Version : 1.13 UCOS-II : Version 2.61 or lesser Tool-chain : SDT 2.51, ADS 1.2 or G-ARM Port of UCOS-II Date : 03.06.2004 Version : 1.13 UCOS-II : Version 2.61 or lesser To
- CONSX—这是一个主要子程序,调用其它于程序及输出中间结果 * !* CHECK—检查所有的点是否满足约束条件,对违背约束的点进行校正 * !* CENTR—计算中心点 * !* FUNC —目标函数,由用户提供 * - PROGRAM COMPLEX PARAMETER(N=3,M=4,K=6) DIMENSION X(K,M),R(K,N),F(K),G(M),H(M),XC(N) INTEGER GAMMA OPEN(4,FILE= COMPDA
- uc/oc-II源代码 代码的组成和分析-uc/oc-II source code
- Final state machine written on VHDL in Quartus II. Imple. Implements the working principle of a sensor which detect the spinning direction (e.g. a motor) and depending on the direction a DuplexCounter is set to "up" or "down" mode.
- Given k = 4 n = 7 and G= 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 i. produce 16 possible message blocks ii. produce all the pertaining codeword vectors-Given k = 4 n = 7 and G= 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
- K10CTL by ZTEX The main purpose of k10ctl is overclocking and / or "undervolting" the CPU and to configure Cool n Quiet settings. In particular It is intended for AMD Family 10h (aka K10) CPU s (e.g. Phenom, Phenom II) It runs under Linux
- Exercise 9: More Arrays 1. Write a program that enters 5 names of towns and their respective distance (an integer) from London in miles. The program will print of the names of the towns that are less than 100 miles from London. Use arrays and ch
- == 决胜21点项目需求提要 == 软件功能: 1.)决胜21点玩法: I.根据玩家所持纸牌的点数和花色决定当局比赛的输赢; II.点数定义如下: 牌A:可以视情形为11或1; 牌J,Q,K,a(10),G(大怪),g(小怪):均为10; 牌2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9:为各自牌面显示的点数; III.花色定义如下: 同点数牌的花色大小排序为黑桃>红桃>方块>草花(包括怪) IV.牌数: 纸牌的总数为
- NSGA (No n- Do mina te d So r ting in Ge ne tic Alg o r ithms [5 ]) is a p o pula r no n-do mina tio n ba s e d g e ne tic a lg o r ithm fo r multi- o b je c tive o ptimiz a tio n. I t is a ve r y e ff e c tive a lg o r ithm but ha s b e e n g
- ucos移植在51上的代码,没啥可说的了(jxbdvjfnvx jdb hgf hhgv hfc io bdd hg rdcv khff hvgg iibv ffhji ffcv gyyh gggg jj bh h j g f j f f)
- Arduino OBD-II/G-Force Data Logger and Transmitter