- 这个是人工免疫系统中的反向选择算法(Negative Selection Aglorithm)的编程实例,它主要用于异常检测方面。请多指教!-this artificial immune system is the inverse algorithm (A Negative Selection glorithm) programming examples, it was mainly used anomaly detection area. Please advise!
- 否定选择算法
- 基于入侵检测的负选择算法,适合于初学者,可以快速了解负选择算法思想-NSA
- 在网络安全中经常会遇到rootkit,NSA安全和入侵检测术语字典( NSA Glossary of Terms Used in Security and Intrusion Detection)对rootkit的定义如下:A hacker security tool that captures passwords and message traffic to and from a computer. A collection of tools that allows a hacker to p
- 否定选择算法的仿真 希望大家能好好学习 好东西和大家分享-Negative selection algorithm for the simulation of hope that we can learn good things and to share
- SELinux的全称是Security-Enhanced Linux,是由美国国家安全局NSA开发的访问控制体制。SELinux可以最大限度地保证Linux系统的安全。此pdf文件包含了SElinux的详细介绍。-The full name of SELinux is Security-Enhanced Linux, is by the United States National Security Agency NSA access control system development. SE
- Negative Selection Agorithm 1. we have a signal which we ll monitor 2. we produce lymphocytes - length lyphocyte as a signal, we take random numbers 3. NSA... we check that lymphocyte is different from signal, if not we random another 4. n
- SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm,译作安全散列算法) 是美国国家安全局 (NSA) 设计,美国国家标准与技术研究院 (NIST) 发布的一系列密码散列函数。-SHA-1
- In cryptography, SHA-1 is a cryptographic hash function designed by the National Security Agency (NSA) and published by the NIST as a U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard. SHA stands for Secure Hash Algorithm.
- 该算法包含两部分,一是检测器生成,一是测试阶段。-The algorithm consists of two parts, one detector generation, first beta.
- In cryptography, SHA-2 is a set of cryptographic hash functions (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512) designed by the National Security Agency (NSA) and published in 2001 by the NIST as a U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard. SHA stands for Se
- 这是用MFC编写的阴性选择算法,可以运行,很实用。-code about nsa in MFC,very useful!
- 小生境遗传算法,在求多峰值函数中很好用,提供了三个多峰值函数测试函数,希望对你用帮助!-Niche genetic algorithm, in seeking a good multi-peak function by providing a peak function for more than three test functions, you want to use the help!
- IMPLEMATATION DES CRIPHER IN C++ The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a block cipher that uses shared secret encryption. It was selected by the National Bureau of Standards as an official Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) for the Unit
- IBM 提交了一个候选算法,它是 IBM 内部开发的,名为 LUCIFER。在美国国家安全局 (NSA) 的“指导”下完成了算法评估之后,在 1977 年 7 月 15 日,NBS 采纳了 LUCIFER 算法的修正版作为新的数据加密标准.-IBM has submitted a candidate algorithm, which is IBM' s internal development, called LUCIFER. In the United States National S
- 人工免疫系统中的阴性选择算法,适合于初学者-Artificial immune system, negative selection algorithm, suitable for beginners
- 采用经典的阴性选择算法N-NSA,用IRIS数据集对算法进行耐受和检测,检测器半径固定不变,检测效率不高,因此需要采用变半径的方法检测-The negative selection algorithm using the classical N-NSA, with the IRIS data set of algorithms for tolerance and detection, the detector radius is fixed, detection efficiency is no
- In 1974, IBM proposed "Lucifer", an encryption algorithm that uses 64-bit keys. Two years later, NBS (in consultation with NSA) made a modified version of that algorithm into a standard. DES takes in 64 bits of data, employs a 56-bit key, and exec
- 负向选择算法的一个例子,它的基本思想就是通过采集正常数据集合生成检测器集,然后将待测数据与抗体集合中全部元素进行匹配计算,如与任一元素的匹配达到一定阈值,即判断该数据异常。-An example of negative selection algorithm. The basic idea is to collect the normal data set generated by the detector set, and then tested the data collection wit
- 基于入侵检测的负选择算法,适合于初学者,可以快速了解负选择算法思想-NSA