GEOMPACK is a set of routines for certain computational geometry problems. In particular, it can compute the Voronoi dia
- GEOMPACK is a set of routines for certain computational geometry problems. In particular, it can compute the Voronoi diagram, and the Delaunay triangulation, of a set of points in the plane.
- My solutions to Saratov Online Judge Problems(SGU), not all, but many of them...,My solutions to Saratov Online Judge Problems(SGU), not all, but many of them...
- 一种求解Job_Shop调度问题的混合自适应变异粒子群算法-Solving Hybrid Scheduling Problems Job_Shop adaptive mutation particle swarm optimization
- Finite volume methods for hyperbolic problems -Finite volume methods for hyperbolic problems
- Problems involving the computation of exact values of very large magnitude and precision are common. For example, the computation of the national debt is a taxing experience for many computer systems. This problem requires that you write a prog
- My solutions to IOI problems, not all, but many off them-My solutions to IOI problems, not all, but many off them...
- Java平台的启发式优化算法,包含了多目标进化算法(SPEA2和NSGA2),多目标差异进化,PSO和单目标模拟退火算法。并且包含了ZDT,DTLZ和WFG等测试函数-Opt4J is a framework for applying meta-heuristic optimization algorithms to arbitrary optimization problems. The Opt4J framework currently includes a multi-obje
- 用于解反问题的共轭梯度法,对于Ax=b,输入矩阵A,列向量b,以及迭代步数k,可求的列向量x-Solution of inverse problems for the conjugate gradient method, for Ax = b, the input matrix A, the column vector b, as well as the number of iterations k, rectifiable column vector x
- A discussion of p/np complete problems.
- 某些数学方法在地震波反演问题求解中的应用-Some mathematical methods to solve inverse problems in seismic wave of
- 可以使用它计算free surface flow The program is a 2D solver for the incompressible, transient Navier-StokesK[ equations including the temperature equation and free boundary problems-The program is a 2D solver for the incompressible, transient Navier-Sto
- pso求解非线性规划问题VB 源码,通过三个实例分析,程序通用性很好。强烈推荐-pso for solving nonlinear programming problems VB source code, through three case studies, procedural general is very good. Strongly recommended
- 给定无向连通图G和m种不同的颜色。用这些颜色为图G的各顶点着色,每个顶点 着一种颜色。是否有一种着色法使G中每条边的2个顶点着不同颜色。这个问题是 图的m可着色判定问题。若一个图最少需要m种颜色才能使图中每条边连接的2个 顶点着不同颜色,则称这个数m为该图的色数。求一个图的色数m的问题称为图的 m可着色优化问题。 -Given an undirected connected graph G, and m kinds of different colors. With thes
- 基本解方法求解反问题程序很好用有结果和图形-Method of Fundamental Solutions of Inverse Problems program.
- 主要是求解最优化问题,这对于求解最优方案或者路线很有用途-Primarily for solving optimization problems, optimal solution for solving the very purpose or route
- c++ (cpp) programs with numerical problems- c++ (cpp) programs with numerical problems
- Parameter+Estimation+and+Inverse+Problems 该书的配套光配内容-Parameter+ Estimation+ and+ Inverse+ Problems with the contents of the book' s supporting light
- 线性方程的迭代法,集合了Jacobi,Gauss-Seidel,SOR三种方法,还有针对泊松方程的SOR方法-Programs to solve linear problems.Four algorithms are included.They are Jacobi,Gauss-Seidel,SORand SOR for Poisson
HeuristicLab.Problems.BioBoost r14259
- HeuristicLab.Problems.BioBoost
- problems for windows